Example sentences of "to [indef pn] [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 A place at grammar school was seen as hardly more genuinely open to everyone than a fee-paying place at a public school ; and so the move towards comprehensive schools was made , largely on grounds of justice .
2 Lord Denning M.R. stated that the court could intervene if the Minister acted on no evidence , or reached a decision to which on the evidence he could not reasonably have come , equating the case to one where a court interfered with a decision of a tribunal which had erred in law .
3 Whether , however , privilege does extend to everything that a Member does as a Member is doubtful .
4 These poor people have done no harm to anybody and a lot of them will have fought wars for a lot of these same people who are now deciding to put them out of their homes in the twilight of their lives .
5 Most of these developments might be seen as making English less different , but the kinds of changes that go on in ‘ literary theory ’ are unlikely to be familiar to anyone but a philosopher .
6 By the end of the Eighties there were so many library books in the shops and on market stalls ( a mediaeval phenomenon that still survives in market towns in Devon and elsewhere ) that it was clear to anyone that a new situation had arisen .
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