Example sentences of "to [det] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The principle costs , according to the Energy Management Task force , would be £80–120 for the new equipment in each home , plus an installation cost similar to that for a conventional meter and timeswitch .
2 The reason for this becomes clear if you use an annular stimulus ; you then get a response at the opposite phase to that for a central stimulus , and there is antagonism between these two regions , so when you illuminate both together there is little or no response ; they cancel each other out .
3 And you could go to that for a weekend if
4 It will charge interest on the cash amounts it advances at a rate similar to that for an overdraft .
5 In these experiments chilling is necessary , given that the maximum reported speeds of phloem transport ( 35–250mmmin -1 ) are such that a chemical signal might exit the wounded cotyledon in a time comparable to that for an electrical signal .
6 The conduct element in this offence is similar to that for the more serious offence under section 18 , and the meanings of ‘ wound ’ and ‘ grievous bodily harm ’ are no different .
7 ( An Apple Unix version of ChemMod II ) , identical to that for the Apple operating system is available on request ) .
8 A successful applicant is normally admitted as a candidate for the degree of MPhil but may apply at a later date to transfer his or her registration to that for the degree of DPhil .
9 Requires a similar planting medium to that for the preceding Acorus species .
10 If a functional group on CP 96345 interacts with His197 , removing that functional group should result in a dissociation constant for the H197A mutant equal to that for the wild type because the His197 specific interaction is no longer present .
11 The affinities of L703766 for all mutants were very similar to that for the wild-type receptor ( Table 2 ) .
12 For lid sitting down on to container , the single excursion in the container relationship must be opposite to that for the lid and one of the possible five in the other relationship .
13 The situation might thus he similar to that for the Salam-Weinberg theory unifying electromagnetism and weak interactions .
14 The notation of the roll is similar to that for the timpani roll .
15 Inspection of ( 47 ) , repeated here for convenience as ( 65 ) ( 65 ) would lead us a priori to expect , first , that the language might provide a simple way to question the noun phrase and adjective taken as a unit , and second that , if there are simple interrogations for the noun phrase alone and for the adjective alone , these would take a form parallel to that for the subject and ( ordinary ) predicative adjective of a normal copular clause .
16 The relationship is similar to that for the elevation of boiling point : where is the cryoscopic constant .
17 The median survival of 7.5 months ( range 2–13 ) for patients with cytomegalovirus and AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis is identical to that for the whole AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis group .
18 Further , the evidence for the late Merovingian period is not comparable to that for the sixth century .
19 The digitised boundary data will be held in various formats , and will be administered by a registration system similar to that for the SAS/LBS .
20 They 're able to hold on to that for the duration of the talk and be able to understand them as concepts and therefore it helps to put over the ideas .
21 Civilizations offer compensations to some for the renunciations needed to maintain the technical achievements , and the wealth .
22 Again , we have paid lip-service to this for a long time , but it has not been an easy ideal to achieve .
23 And he stood and listened to this for a while and then he thought he was delayed long enough so he set off home .
24 Just listen to this for an Oscar winning ceremony .
25 One of Mr Thomas 's conditions , supported by Mrs Noble , was that Edward and Helen should not correspond when he left for Oxford , and they agreed to this for the first term .
26 An appreciation of the whys and wherefores of nursing research is fundamental to good practice and an introduction to this for the uninitiated appears in chapter 7 .
27 I therefore decided that I would use one of the 4′ water tanks available from builders ' merchants as the vat , and add a smaller 18″ water tank to this for the filtration
28 In that case , the Dip.HE for such students will continue to be very largely the first two years of a degree course , though its provision may increase if credit transfer develops nationally and it becomes more common for students to undertake a two-year Dip.HE course in one institution and move to another for a third year .
29 He said : Any contract by which a person engages to give his exclusive services to another for a period necessarily involves extensive restriction during that period of the common law right to exercise any lawful activity he chooses in such manner as he thinks best .
30 He says the most obvious way is to use it for fireproof doors — for ceilings , lining internal paritions , all of which require to prevent fire going from one room to another for a given period of time .
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