Example sentences of "to [det] [subord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well we 've got twenty five minutes at present shall we can you just wipe around a couple of other things and then we 'll come back to that if time remains ?
2 They suggest that this may be through the perceived control an individual has over his goals , as compared to that when goals are externally assigned .
3 And there 's more to this than questions of individual fitness .
4 Elizabeth could see that there was more to this than George would tell her , but she , too , came to the conclusion that Sarah must go to Leeds and that as soon as possible .
5 ‘ There 's more to this than Volkov and the girl . ’
6 ‘ The Syrian forces could , if they wanted , speedily resolve the problem of Gen Aoun in Lebanon through military means , but the Syrian leadership is fully convinced there will be no need to resort to this as Gen Aoun 's removal is a matter of time and will take place quickly through political means . ’ .
7 Erm , I do n't really wish to add anything in particular to this if people would like to ask questions , then I 'm prepared to answer them .
8 The crowd were settling in nicely to this when Ray ‘ Preston ’ joined John for a few numbers .
9 While the relative share of employment and social security benefits varied enormously from one country to another as sources of income for lone parents , maintenance payments generally contributed little to the income of lone parents , even if widows are excluded .
10 Later research was to show that whilst it would be most irresponsible to move children unnecessarily from one family to another because separation does cause psychological trauma and harm to the child , nevertheless given optimum conditions children can re-attach themselves and overcome the trauma of early separations ( Kadushin , 1970 ; Clarke and Clarke , 1976 ; Tizzard , 1977 ; Triseliotis and Russell , 1984 ) .
11 If it was not until later that the accused discovered that he had been overpaid it is suggested that the money no longer belongs to another because ownership of it passes on payment .
12 A few controversial mammalian fossils were known from the age of reptiles , and Lyell appealed to these as evidence that the whole sequence was unsound .
13 We will refer to these as intro , A , B , C and coda shape of a circle with a cross on it .
14 We have been ‘ good news ’ to many since Radio Norfolk visited Mary Fox 's Class .
15 But the pendulum had swung so far that some return to less than enthusiasm was inevitable .
16 Sir Edward Bailey 's lucid explanation of these deposits was that the boulders ( up to more than loo feet long ) fell from a submarine fault scarp , probably triggered by earthquakes which also produced the clastic dykes that are a feature of the sections .
17 What assurance can he give the House that that will amount to more than crumbs from the European Commission 's table ?
18 ‘ It does n't amount to more than gossip , you know .
19 She did n't have time to more than glance at it before two pairs of strong hands lifted her from the stools , and placed her unceremoniously on a table top .
20 Dostoevsky 's notebook word ‘ tone ’ amounts to more than dust and mortar and summer smells ; it catches up human beings and entangles them with the city .
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