Example sentences of "to [coord] for the " in BNC.

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1 Stated generally , the fundamental rationale he offers for having to do so is that he , either himself or as the agent of society , knew better than the patient what should be done to or for the patient .
2 A later section ( section 256 ) defines them as ‘ statements of standard accounting practice issued by such body or bodies as may be prescribed by regulations ’ and goes still further by empowering the Secretary of State to make grants , ‘ to or for the purposes of bodies concerned with ( a ) issuing accounting standards , ( b ) overseeing and directing the issuing of such standards or ( c ) investigating departures from such standards or from the accounting requirements of this Act and taking steps to secure compliance with them . ’
3 In the case of settlements by virtue of which income is paid to or for the benefit of an infant unmarried child of a settlor , the definition is extended to include " transfers of assets " ( s670 ) .
4 Section 663 provides that where there is a settlement , and during the life of the settlor any income is paid to or for the benefit of a child of the settlor in any year of assessment , the income shall , if at the time of payment the child is unmarried and below the age of 18 , be treated as the settlor 's income and not the income of any other person .
5 Lord Morton of Henryton commenting on that example said that in each case it would be for the Commissioners to make a finding as to whether the income in question was or was not paid to or for the benefit of the child by virtue or in consequence of the settlement .
6 The first type deals with cases where monies may be assessed on the settlor if monies are paid to or for the benefit of a particular person .
7 For instance , under TA 1988 , s663(1) any income paid to or for the benefit of a child of the settlor may be assessed on the settlor .
8 If and so long as the terms of any settlement are such that any person has power to pay or apply income or capital to or for the benefit of the settlor or his spouse , all income arising under the settlement shall be treated for all the purposes of the Income Tax Acts as the income of the settlor for that year and not the income of any other person ( TA 1988 , s674 ; and see Blausten v IRC ( 1971 ) 47 TC 542 ( CA ) ) .
9 the income consists of annual payments made under a partnership agreement to or for the benefit of a former partner , or the widow or dependants of a deceased former partner , of the partnership , being payments made under a liability incurred for full consideration ; 2. the income is payable in connection with the acquisition of a partnership ; 3. the income arises under a settlement made by one party to a marriage by way of provision for the other after the dissolution or annulment of the marriage , or while they are separated under an Order of the Court or under a separation agreement or in such circumstances that the separation is likely to be permanent , being income payable to or applicable for the benefit of the other party ; 4. the income is from property of which the settlor has divested himself absolutely by the settlement ; 5. the income is income which under other provisions of the tax legislation is treated for the purposes of the Taxes Acts as that of the settlor .
10 What does the inclusion of Africans or African-Americans do to and for the work ?
11 " the Under Roome of the howse wherein the Schoole ys nowe kepte to and for the use of the Schoole to be kepte theere for ever .
12 Colleagues , the de-recognition and non-recognition of trade unions in the U K has fast become the central challenge to and for the trade union movement , particularly as this government is committed to accelerating the de-recognition process .
13 In the stressed state Supposing that the initial compliances were equal we would have , removing the primes , that is , the compliance at a temperature T is the same as that at temperature To but for the reduced time .
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