Example sentences of "to [noun pl] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The December run of ‘ Taw Valley ’ had been organised and agreed some three months before but failed owing to operations problems in the end .
2 The privileges of primacy were three : first , the possession of permanent papal legatine authority in England ; second , ecclesiastical jurisdiction over the whole of the British Isles ; and third , the right to hold Councils and summon to meetings participants from this whole area .
3 Many children heard the news before their parents because they were listening to schools programmes on the wireless .
4 We do n't go to trades councils as individuals , we 're there as representatives of our individual trades unions , and we have to abide by those rules .
5 In the Gulbenkian Report the clear exposition of the idea that the arts mediate between an individual 's inner being and the external world , and that this gives an educational role to arts activities in the development of pupil personality , appears to have impressed not only arts educators but almost all those administrators , such as GRIST coordinators , who were responsible for programmes which included an arts element .
6 Sharp and Dust ( 1987 ) , as already reported , found little priority given to arts activities by primary teachers .
7 The School of Biology is an association of several departments in Science and Medical Faculties , together with Psychology which collaborate to provide courses leading to honours degrees in Biological Sciences , Agriculture and Ecological Science .
8 In 1799 parliament turned a petition for an act specific to journeymen millwrights into a general prohibition of trade unionism over matters of wages or hours which was slightly amended in 1800 .
9 In addition it was expected to increase the supply of emergency food aid passing across the Ethiopian border into Sudan , to regions facing a severe threat of mass starvation , and to refugees camps around the Sudanese capital , Khartoum , where refugee numbers were swollen by the influx from drought-ridden and war-torn rural areas .
10 The Cook … is an art movie , referring as much to Rembrandt , Vermeer , Frans Hals and Dutch/Flemish still-life painting as to films noirs about brutal gangsters and downtrodden molls .
11 StreetTalk 's Directory Integration Architecture opens the directory to applications developers through a full set of Application Programming Interfaces ( APIs ) .
12 The NCD relates only to CONTENTS sections of these policies .
13 I 'm here to talk about the rule which applies to appeals procedures for members .
14 In addition to public holidays and privilege holidays which total 10½ days and are detailed in the Staff Handbook your annual leave allowance will be weeks days with pay , rising to weeks days with pay , rising to weeks days with pay , after years ' service .
15 In addition to public holidays and privilege holidays which total 10½ days and are detailed in the Staff Handbook your annual leave allowance will be weeks days with pay , rising to weeks days with pay , rising to weeks days with pay , after years ' service .
16 Packets ( both Letter and Small Packet services ) are liable to Customs examination and must be declared to Customs authorities on special forms .
17 I am pleased to tell you that improvements in cover will apply to BUILDINGS insurances from the renewal date .
18 Bearded Bates — a close friend of cheating Fun Minister and Chelsea fan David Mellor — dropped the bombshell to sports reporters after calling a press conference .
19 The current embrace in Britain of utility clothing and design is best traced back to the Eighties baseball thing — the period when genuine US clothing brands , from workwear to sports names like Russell Athletic , began turning up in shops like London 's Passenger and The Duffer of St George .
20 Visits to sports grounds in London and Birmingham had made me realize just how many second generation black kids were following the likes of Hope and Cunningham and channelling their efforts into sport .
21 It also includes the ‘ Noticeboard ’ sheets ( Figure 5.5 ) which are intended to be pinned to bureaux noticeboards in order to alert workers to items of topical interest and impending changes .
22 ‘ Green audit ’ call to businesses BUSINESSES in Middlesbrough are being asked to carry out a ‘ green audit ’ as part of the town 's Environment City year .
23 In addition the Commission has recently been given the power to adopt block exemptions in the insurance sector and to consortia agreements in sea transport and has proposed that it be granted powers to introduce block exemptions relating to air transport between the Community and third countries .
24 Increased assistance to the CIS already included the promise of food and transport aid from NATO [ see pp. 38698-99 ] ; £20 million in fodder grain from the United Kingdom to St Petersburg , offered on Dec. 2 ; the release on Dec. 16 of the first tranche , worth ECU500 million , of an ECU1,250 million credit agreed by the EC in October [ see p. 38539 ] ; and $30,000,000 from Sweden and 30,000,000 Finnish markka ( about US$7,250,000 ) from Finland in aid to CIS areas nearest their countries .
25 Izvestiya of March 5 published a letter from Yegor Yakovlev , head of the Ostankino state television and radio company [ for its formation in December see p. 38655 ] , to CIS heads of state , proposing that an international broadcasting company be set up on the basis of the Ostankino company .
26 With regard to orientation in library use , Ford states that ‘ the lecture commonly given to freshmen students at the beginning of their first session , must surely be a waste of time .
27 It was alleged that in 1985 and 1987 Kitingan awarded to relatives licences for 2,000 hectares of timber and two construction contracts worth 12,000,000 ringgits .
28 With effect from I January 1992 the ‘ old ’ offences at paragraphs ( f ) and ( g ) of regulation 27(1) of the 1986 Regulations no longer apply to passenger motor cars other than motor cars constructed or adapted to carry more than eight seated passengers in addition to the driver , or to goods vehicles with a maximum gross weight which does not exceed 3,500 kg .
29 The Local Investment Networking Company ( LINC ) ( 071-236 3000 ) , sponsored by Lloyds Bank , BP and chartered accountants Levy Gee , circulates to investors details of possible investments in start-ups and growing businesses in their area and they can be arranged under the BES .
30 we 've got to asses kids on that .
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