Example sentences of "to [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There are even bigger issues : the role which Lenin played in preparing the ground for Stalin , an objective assessment of Trotsky 's contribution , and the feasibility of alternatives to industrialisation at the end of the 1920s .
2 In fact , the system developed during the transition to industrialisation in the early part of the present century .
3 The church was closed for repair and restoration during the years 1887–8–9 , when the old ruinous south chapel was pulled down to make room for the present commodious aisles , the reason for this being the increase in population due to industrialisation in the village .
4 ( 1 ) The names of all the directors of a recognised body shall be stated either on the body 's stationery or in a list of the names of all the directors maintained at the body 's registered office provided that in the latter case the body 's stationery must state that such a list of all the directors ' names is open to inspection at the body 's registered office and must state the address of that office .
5 Germany 's representative to the disarmament conference in Vienna , Rüdiger Hartmann , said , however , on Nov. 13 that difficulties had emerged after disagreement over sites and military equipment subject to inspection under the provisions of the treaty .
6 Since 1988 the register of title has been open to inspection by the general public .
7 The hotelier is required to keep a record of this information which is open to inspection by the police for a period of up to twelve months .
8 Japan urged repayment by North Korea of accumulated debts of 80,000 million yen ( US$580 million ) , and repeated earlier calls for North Korea to open its nuclear facilities to inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency .
9 They also agreed that it was imperative that the North Korean government open its nuclear facilities to inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency .
10 Prime Minister Chung announced on Dec. 11 that all US atomic weapons had been removed from South Korean soil , and offered to open US military bases to inspection by the North on condition that the North permitted simultaneous inspection of its own nuclear facilities .
11 The firm 's accounting practices should be open to inspection by the local professional body .
12 The papers of the Lord Chancellor 's Department which are open to inspection in the Public Record Office are therefore a valuable but under-used source of information for the study of recent political and social history , public administration and law .
13 But if you 've got excitement — and that 's anything from romancing to stalking in the dark — then you 'll be alert in the wee small hours .
14 The expected shortfall in social services funding for community care had already led to tightening of the criteria that social workers will use to decide who is eligible for care management , and patients with moderate needs for care might lose out altogether .
15 In Chile , Pablo Neruda was an established poet with a continent-wide reputation before his conversion to Communism under the impact of the Spanish Civil War — particularly the murder of García Lorca , whom he saw as the bearer of the spirit of Republican Spain .
16 The essentials of the existing programme , Brezhnev explained , were still valid , but twenty years had elapsed since its adoption and there were many developments it had failed to record , among them the fact that Soviet society was proceeding to communism through the stage of ‘ developed socialism ’ .
17 The 1961 Programme , for instance , had defined itself as a ‘ Programme for the building of communist society ’ ; the revised version of 1986 was no more than a Programme for the ‘ planned and all-round perfection of socialism ’ and for further advance to communism through the country 's ‘ accelerated socio-economic development ’ .
18 In a speech in Seoul on 27 April Rhee cleverly sought to reconcile his own vigorous hostility to communism with the American approach to world problems .
19 The published Programme did still commit the party to communism as an ‘ historic perspective ’ , but this , as the Leningrad party leader Boris Gidaspov commented , was very much in the spirit of an ‘ epitaph on a tombstone ’ .
20 All too frequently Nizan 's highly publicised resignation from the PCF in September 1939 is interpreted by contemporary liberal critics imbued with a visceral hostility to communism as the visible sign that his allegiance to the party was flawed from the beginning .
21 Suddenly the 180 million people loyal to Communism at the end of the war had turned into 800 million .
22 The United Front was openly being used to gain converts to Communism from the ILP and the Labour Party and , if possible , to split these organizations .
23 It was possible to argue that Ostpolitik had , in the end , served to undermine the East German regime by reinforcing the liberal-democratic alternative to Communism in the minds of the East German people .
24 Expressed crudely , advocates of this approach tend to locate the essential Nizan in the act of resignation itself and proceed to interpret his allegiance to communism in the light of the events of September 1939 .
25 Before long he had switched to ukulele , and graduated from there to guitar at the age of eleven .
26 It was not possible , however , to ‘ convert ’ the Saracens ; they had a policy of religious expansionism too — seeking to convert all unbelievers to Islam at the point of the sword .
27 Muslim descendants of Slavs who converted to Islam under the Ottoman Empire make up the largest ethnic group , accounting for 43 per cent of the republic 's 4.3 million inhabitants .
28 The fact that IBM Corp has scheduled a board meeting for next Tuesday has analysts speculating like mad that the company may name its new chief executive after the meeting : the only name now being tossed about is that of Louis Gerstner , chairman and chief executive of RJR Nabisco Inc , who shot to favourite in the betting after USA Today reported that talks between IBM and Gerstner had gone as far as discussion of a compensation package .
29 He came to photography via a Fine Arts degree , a teaching qualification and a career which combined teaching , private painting projects and social work .
30 Excess of oligonucleotide 1 led to recircularization of the original vector whereas insufficient quantities resulted in incomplete digestion .
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