Example sentences of "to [noun sg] with the " in BNC.

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1 In a speech in Seoul on 27 April Rhee cleverly sought to reconcile his own vigorous hostility to communism with the American approach to world problems .
2 She joined the old South of Scotland Electricity Board in 1976 as a legal assistant — the first female solicitor it had employed — but by 1980 wanted to do something different and went back to university with the company 's blessing ( and a scholarship ) to get an MBA .
3 You may like to know that CPRW has worked through Wales Wildlife and Countryside Link ( to which WWF UK provides grant aid ) to take up the threat to SSSIs with the Countryside Council for Wales .
4 J Saville Gordon Machinery Ltd says a deal , subject to contract with the site 's owner , United Engineering Steels , has been struck .
5 Rather , certain elements of the written narrative — its ability to mix different modes of discourse and to create logically impossible situations — will be foregrounded to the detriment of elements such as unity of point of view which came to narrative with the invention of print .
6 As she clung to the powerful width of his shoulders , trembling from head to foot with the force of her emotions , he grasped the softness of her buttocks and drove deeply , irrevocably into the silken white-hot sheath of her with a harsh , abrupt shout of victory , his lidded gaze brilliant with triumph …
7 With the aim of clarification , medical epidemiologists have introduced the impairment/disability/handicap triad : loss of function or loss of part of the body ( impairment ) leads to difficulty with the tasks of daily living ( disability ) , resulting in economic and social disadvantage ( handicap ) .
8 In union negotiations , for example , I always found that if you had a heart to heart with the opposition , the single leader , you could probably gain something .
9 She heard that : — — Papa is grown stout and has need of bigger trousers but Mama cries he is more handsome than ever and so do I. I have little time my Lily to write because I am put to Latin with the Abbe which is sore hard work and gives me the headache .
10 Swell waves running on to a coast break when the forward motion of particles at the wave crest exceeds the forward movement of the wave as a whole , a state of affairs caused by the wave retarding as it runs into shallow water and sometimes over-naively attributed to friction with the sea bottom .
11 The retardation is apparently not due to friction with the bottom , but is caused by changes in the flow pattern enforced on the wave by the shallower water ( Russell and Macmillan , 1952 ) .
12 Third , debasement of early medieval coinage in western Europe and the eventual replacement of gold by silver can be attributed to the cessation of the flow of gold bullion from east to west with the abandonment of gold subsidies paid by the Byzantine empire to the barbarians in the west .
13 And friendship with one generation does n't automatically lead to friendship with the next , ’ she pointed out with delicate sarcasm .
14 They jumped about in the mud , correcting a swing here , a stance there ; demonstrating how to stab with the bodyweight behind the thrust , how to parry , how to club with the pommel .
15 Let us suppose a less hurried traveller who is flying to Bali with the intention of staying who wants the life he expects in Bali not for some business or educational purpose but for its own sake , as his vision of the Good Life .
16 The reserve goalkeeper held on to the place for four months , and was selected for several weeks after Grobbelaar returned to action with the reserves .
17 The reserve goalkeeper held on to the place for four months , and was selected for several weeks after Grobbelaar returned to action with the reserves .
18 ‘ but an excess of out door ceremony tended and still tends to prevent the female from acquiring the proper use of her limbs , and of learning to bound from rock to rock with the celerity of the fleecy rangers of the mountains . ’
19 The programmes will be subject to review with the passage of time but no substantial additions to them will be made for the first six years ( except for changes required because of matters outside of governing body control and except for minor alterations to equipment ) .
20 They must have brought him back to tea with the grown-ups who would come later .
21 Anyway , if you 're goin' to tea with the toffs you 'd better get scrubbed down and pick out some decent clothes . ’
22 Remember that you will act as host on the day , but you and your guest are welcome to come to tea with the other guests .
23 Well clearly it is not going to yield to any such analysis , and to believe that it will is to deny the reality of subjective life and to side with the behaviourists .
24 A poll at the weekend showed that seven out of 10 Protestants would want the Ulster Unionists to side with the Tories if no party wins an overall majority .
25 This kind of mourning leads us to side with the poor , and to take action alongside them .
26 God in the middle contending for the world , a man on his left choosing to side with the Evil One till the last , and on the right a thief who with his last gasp offered his broken solidarity back to God for healing and restoration .
27 And once they had deluded themselves that the blacks were content , the whites were quite unable to recognise , let alone tackle , the real grievances that caused so many peasant farmers to side with the ‘ boys in the bush ’ .
28 In Germany , ministers still appear to side with the federalists .
29 Ministers proved reluctant to side with the Treasury in an attack on other ministers ' programmes .
30 If that happens , the Secretary of State will be called on to adjudicate , and there is a suspicion that he would be inclined to side with the development corporation which , of course , is his creation , his creature .
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