Example sentences of "to [pron] will [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As for the less specific objections to the Prague School , the weight one attaches to them will depend very much on one 's own theoretical position .
2 The spread of population , the numbers of visually handicapped pupils in a particular area and the range of educational provision available to them will influence the way in which the advisory service is organised and implemented .
3 There is no guarantee whatever that all formal equivalences can be given meaning , and there is no guarantee that such meaning as can be given to them will seem interesting or important from a poetic point of view .
4 Access to them will require the approval of a senior lexicographer and will be controlled by the Computer Group .
5 Gradually the places in the year book which are at present unfamiliar to me will acquire a flesh and blood reality .
6 Malebranche had argued , moreover , that the argument from the relativity of perception was just as applicable to primary qualities such as extension and motion : what looks small to me will seem large to a mite ; some movements may be too slow for the human eye to detect .
7 Perhaps sending them direct to me will save the listserver from getting clogged up with train spotting messages .
8 Erm and I really want to I will build up some more time but I have n't got any to take at the moment .
9 If for instance this was a criminal trial as to which will rule this to inadmissibility exactly the same .
10 Given the diet of a species , determined by its ecology , the individual members have two behavioural problems , the best solutions to which will depend on their diet .
11 Even so , there is no unchallengeable rule book or authority you can turn to which will tell you exactly what is standard and what is not .
12 A central aim of the work is to determine the extent to which will founded generalisations are Possible as to the manner in which the structure of these industries evolves .
13 As to which will prevail in the longer term , the jury remains out until NT makes its official appearance in 1993 .
14 If individuals are allowed to pursue their self-interest , if prices are allowed to respond to changes in information and if players in the game have the assurance that there exists a rule of law which guarantees their contracts , the market economy left to itself will secure the best outcome for society as a whole .
15 In a difficult production situation , with high perceived discount rates and competition between small producers for many scarce resources , it is obviously an unanswered question as to who will pay for conservation works , or how cost-sharing or insurance will be arranged on a sufficiently large scale .
16 It is not difficult , as you will learn , to find readers ; it is dangerously easy to find disciples ; it is extremely hard to find anyone you are personally attached to who will care two hoots about your work . ’
17 He will be hoping his team can perform their annual Houdini act but can not produce the answer as to who will provide the goals .
18 Plan every move carefully , for the twenty minutes of half an hour available to you will flash by , and seem like seconds .
19 What is available to you will depend on your needs and on the policy of the local authority .
20 The one in particular I 'm referring to you will see we 'd all see the Son of Man , they they 'd recognised that reference to himself Son of Man , they 'd recognised that because that comes out of the Old Testament Book of Daniel does n't it , the Son of Man seated on the right hand of the Almighty coming with the clouds of heaven .
21 What we are going to say is simply that the parts of this diet which are easy and effortless and even enjoyable to you will become part of your normal eating in the future .
22 ‘ Anyone who gets really used to something will know what I 'm talking about here , but my stuff is pretty noisy and when I came up with a way of getting rid of the noise , I really missed it !
23 Individuals on current salaries of £75,000 or more who are thinking of changing jobs and either joining a new scheme or transferring their existing pension to one will need to weigh up the financial consequences .
24 The proletariat are ‘ free ’ labourers in the sense that they can sell their labour to whoever will employ them , but are not free to do anything but sell their labour , since they have no access to the means of production : land , tools , workshops , raw materials .
25 If Saddam is overthrown — when Saddam is overthrown — everyone close to him will go too , and it 's unlikely to be a gentle business .
26 If there are four candidates in a constituency — Conservative , Labour , Liberal Democrat and Scottish Nationalist Party — and if thanks to the AV the Labour candidate is elected , first votes given to him will get 100% political representation in the constituency and first votes given to the other three candidates will get none at all : a strange sort of PARR , just like the sort our present system provides !
27 Most husbands leave money to support the wife in her declining years and quite possibly a large amount of what he left to her will have disappeared on her death .
28 If the terms survive the drafting process the resultant consent order will be not only clear , but specific and any party binding him or herself to it will know precisely what has been accepted and what is the commitment .
29 It must be very doubtful indeed whether , in a free society , property can be used otherwise than as those with title to it will allow .
30 Regrettably , however , having given clear guidance as to what is not reinstatement , no help is to be found in Tagro as to what will suffice for this purpose …
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