Example sentences of "to [adj] [noun pl] he " in BNC.

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1 He said and I told you he said six to eight weeks he said .
2 After addressing a public meeting in support of extending the franchise to agricultural workers he had caught a severe cold .
3 The British ambassador to Vienna complained in the 1780s that he had not received a line in reply to fifty despatches he had sent home ; and when he returned to London he " was under the utmost Astonishment at having been twice to the Secretary of State 's Office without finding a single Soul there " .
4 Whether he had perceived that by acceding to British demands he had permanently estranged himself from Russia is debatable .
5 In identifying and responding to real needs he did not shrink from touching the painful spots .
6 In his responsiveness to temporal processes he differed from many of his contemporaries and we can look upon him as the forerunner in literature of those , like Spenser and Shakespeare in the late sixteenth century , who were greatly concerned with the irreversible effects of time on the human mind and Spirit .
7 The form of the system would be settled within the next three to six months he said .
8 He classified his poems on Hartleian principles , e.g. Imagination , Affection , Sentiment and Reflection , and in the Preface to Lyrical Ballads he explained that one of the functions of poetry is to show how ‘ we associate ideas in a state of excitement ’ ; Wordsworth did not expect his poems to ‘ gratify certain known habits of association ’ — he will provide new associations and ‘ create the taste by which he is to be enjoyed ’ .
9 He says he was physically threatened in an attempt to get him to sign over the rights to three groups he represents to Sony .
10 In public addresses to large crowds he also attacked corruption and economic inequality , criticized rich nations over their failure to relieve the burden of world debt , and called for solidarity with Latin America 's poor .
11 To these questions he had no answer , and he resolutely put them aside .
12 To these difficulties he himself added immensely by his insistence on extending his reforms to Hungary and the Austrian Netherlands .
13 and he 's still got something to do with the union , so what he did , when he goes to these meetings he said to the , ah you bloke at Nissan how about getting us round
14 To these features he added purely classical batterie , grands jetés en avant and en attitude , cabrioles and quick glissades into échappés à la seconde and swift changes of éaulement .
15 Some related to the project he was working on , others to previous films he had made — one on schizophrenia , another on pollution of the North Sea , another on the future of Islam .
16 In the other , the sort he 's just woken from , he becomes an eyewitness to terrible events he 's seen on TV .
17 ‘ A lover of nature , he was no lover of solitude , and like many whose occupations condemn them to long silences he seized eagerly on all opportunities of conversation . ’
18 But er he , he ca n't wait to get back , well he says he 's now ten days to ten days he told me .
19 This thesis does not always do justice even to those artists he cites favourably .
20 The Court of Appeal agreed with Wright J. Mr. Tully is in effect saying that if he discloses his dealings with his assets or the moneys of Wessex and Abbey and if he furnishes copies of the documents relating to those dealings he will be providing evidence which may assist the police to prosecute him for the crime of embezzlement .
21 To those ballads he added a substantial leavening of others that were complimentary , jocular , and satirical .
22 On Aug. 3 Pekka Tuomisto was appointed Trade and Industry Minister in place of Kauko Juhantalo , who was alleged to have given lucrative contracts to various firms he owned .
23 For four to five years he was in Paris and Rouen , with occasional visits to Italy .
24 For ten to twenty minutes he would lie there without moving , except for one eyebrow which jigged up and down while his mouth twitched sideways .
25 Then , putting paid to any ideas he might have , she added , ‘ On condition that that is how it remains : a friendly environment purely for working purposes . ’
26 Tomba is clearly looking forward to his first race in Italy since winning a gold and a silver medal at the Winter Olympics in Albertville last year , to add to two golds he took in 1988 .
27 Simon Conway Morris of Cambridge University , who played a big part in the first reinterpretation of the Burgess animals , thinks Wiwaxia has no living relatives , but is probably related to other fossils he and his colleagues have found in northern Greenland .
28 Exasperated by the resistance of the Cabinet to new ideas he resigned from the Government and took his ease to the Labour party Conference in October 1930 , where he very nearly won it .
29 Although with regard to young offenders he cites possible mitigating factors such as the temptations of the affluent society and the frustrations of dead-end jobs , he nevertheless lays the blame at the door of the ‘ new aggressiveness and hostility to authority ’ .
30 To most Americans he was , in the words of Richard Nixon , a symbol of ‘ courage , patriotism , dedication to his country and a granite-like honesty and integrity ’ .
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