Example sentences of "to [verb] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She went from being childish , not caring for social conventions and so spoilt that she could follow any whim she liked , to realising how nai ‘ 3vely and shameful her ‘ rebellion ’ really was .
2 Their new king , Philip IV , is devoting all his energies and resources to building up alliances in Europe .
3 This is known as a bus — a circuit dedicated to whizzing around chunks of related data .
4 The patient returned to eating only foods that had been shown to be safe .
5 Try to discipline yourself to using up leftovers .
6 We look forward to seeing how Council develops its strategy in light of the consultation .
7 We also look forward to seeing how development plans will ‘ ensure development and growth is sustainable ’ ( PPG12 ) by reducing the demand for natural resources such as aggregates .
8 We also look forward to seeing how development plans will ‘ ensure development and growth is sustainable ’ ( PPG12 ) by reducing the demand for natural resources such as aggregates .
9 We look forward to seeing how minerals local plans will provide ‘ an adequate and steady supply of aggregates [ to ] meet the needs of the community and [ ensure ] economic growth is not hindered ’ ( MPG6 paragraph 9 ) , without causing unacceptable damage to the environment .
10 We look forward to seeing how minerals local plans will provide ‘ an adequate and steady supply of aggregates [ to ] meet the needs of the community and [ ensure ] economic growth is not hindered ’ ( MPG6 paragraph 9 ) , without causing unacceptable damage to the environment .
11 The supporters at Devonshire Park are looking forward to seeing how Pam handles the transfer from the U.21 event to the senior event .
12 The policy of increasing the role of the market sector has extended to contracting out services in the National Health Service and local government and the removal of the monopoly powers of solicitors ( over house sale conveyancing ) , or barristers appearing in the high court , opticians , and financial services via Big Bang in 1986 .
13 " The Council heard a preliminary report from the Commission following talks with the Soviet government … with a view to drawing up proposals on short-term credit and longer-term support to be given to structural reforms . "
14 Though a picture may sometimes be worth a thousand words , this may not be true when it comes to drawing out facts from figures .
15 I 'm hardly up to whipping out gourmet meals !
16 More industry members are needed to undertaken further activities .
17 However , they are now hitting physical limits to increasing computer performance and if this impressive progress is to be continued new approaches to speeding up computer performance will need to be developed .
18 On a more personal level , Riley has said : ‘ The game is the same but the stakes are higher for women – – You need time to reflect , you are alone essentially , and I knew that I could n't give the time and thought to bringing up children or caring for another person on an intimate level .
19 It has long been recognised that women who devote years of their lives to bringing up children lose out in the pension stakes .
20 Quoting Machiavelli 's prediction on what could happen to anyone committed to bringing in change , Sir Ron warns that ‘ whenever those who are hostile have the opportunity to attack , they do it like partisans , while the others defend lukewarmly , in such wise that the innovator is endangered along with them ’ .
21 YOUR EDITORIAL writers need reminding that our campaign of non-payment of the poll tax led to its abolition and substantially contributed to bringing down Mrs Thatcher .
22 In addition to bringing down interest rates by another two per cent , he has to establish the right monetary policy after sticking to the wrong one for two years .
23 ‘ Ma must have taken to cooking up bits of food in her bedroom , ’ Algy said when Lady Grubb was doing something to the plants and she and Guy were alone with father in his study .
24 I am told that Honest John has taken to phoning up editors of the papers that helped him regain power to plead with them not to be so beastly .
25 Money raised by the tolls will be directed towards improvements in public transport , together with investment in the rail and canal network , with a view to encouraging both passengers and freight to find alternatives to the road .
26 However , it is recommended that the following are contacted prior to planning/setting up translation facilities :
27 A couple of years later he graduated to sticking up posters to advertise concerts .
28 By a curious paradox , the nuclear lobby has a vested interest in ensuring maximum coal burn in UK power plant as an alternative to stepping up output from the new generation of gas-fired power plant .
29 My point here is simply that they do go some way to explaining why patterns of co-residence fluctuate over time .
30 Taxing problems The arrest of the former head of the Mexican Treasury 's personnel section may go some way to explaining why government departments always appear to be overstaffed , but incapable of offering decent service .
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