Example sentences of "to [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I can see you are as addicted to knitting as the rest of us , by the fact that you say Murphy 's Law operates every day !
2 Do you think that was an attitude to that was erm unique to nursing at the time or do you think erm that possibly girls in other walks of life had the same kind of experience of discipline and demands on them ?
3 There is no doubt that by returning to nursing in the next decade you will be helping to prepare the profession for the enormous demographic and social challenges facing Britain in the 21st century .
4 Despite the fact that some of the text is not applicable to nursing in the UK , this is a well-compiled and stimulating textbook .
5 When Parliament legislates to remedy what the majority of its members at the time perceive to be a defect or a lacuna in the existing law ( whether it be the written law enacted by existing statutes or the unwritten common law as it has been expounded by the judges in decided cases ) , the role of the judiciary is confined to ascertaining from the words that Parliament has approved as expressing its intention what that intention was , and to giving effect to it .
6 When Parliament legislates to remedy what the majority of its members at the time perceive to be a defect or a lacuna in the existing law ( whether it be the written law enacted by existing statutes or the unwritten common law as it has been expounded by the judges in decided cases ) , the role or the judiciary is confined to ascertaining from the words that Parliament has approved as expressing its intention what that intention was , and to giving effect to it .
7 Prior to eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil , Adam and Eve were not troubled by ontological anxiety .
8 She pocketed the Beretta , her hands still trembling as she thought of how close she had come to firing on the turn .
9 And to asked for the cream teas to be retained .
10 Privatization should not be seen as the signal for the government to withdrawn from the economy entirely .
11 Polishing the fit in this way is analogous to reroughing in the last chapter .
12 As a result , although there is a section devoted to ‘ Images of Love ’ ( some of its most fascinating and impressive poems are by women , whom we 're used to seeing as the silent objects of love ) , it is only one among many .
13 It was n't the kind of sound an engine made — or a dishwasher or a television or any of the things I was used to seeing round the house .
14 And I was surprised at how easily my eyes became accustomed to seeing in the light of the head torch .
15 He was known for wanting to be photographed from every conceivable angle and vigorously applauded when making his inflammatory speeches , and I was looking forward to seeing in the flesh this extraordinary man of whom my parents had brought me up to disapprove .
16 So even the most rapid changes in these things were going very , very slowly compared with the kinds of rates which we 're accustomed to seeing in the lab. erm so on the whole so far deep sea cores seem to me to suggest that really at least those beauties are really pretty gradualistic in their behaviour .
17 A few of the offers to made during the first trading session have already been publicised .
18 He slams the company 's parking proposals as ‘ wholly inadequate ’ to catering for the extra visitors .
19 So there are some new facets to catering in the RAF today compared with even a few years ago .
20 325 0 0 The Chyrurgion fees 40 0 0 Kildaltan Schoolmaster 's sellery 12 10 8 To repairing of the meeting-house at Lagavullin 20 0 0 To collectors of the cess their selleries 66 13 4 To Purchassing of the timer and house lately possessed by Lagganlochan , standing on the lands of Knockans , conforme to bill of comprizmt thereof 53 0 0 517 4 0 Which , being divided amongst 132 quarter lands , each share is 3:19:4 .
21 325 0 0 The Chyrurgion fees 40 0 0 Kildaltan Schoolmaster 's sellery 12 10 8 To repairing of the meeting-house at Lagavullin 20 0 0 To collectors of the cess their selleries 66 13 4 To Purchassing of the timer and house lately possessed by Lagganlochan , standing on the lands of Knockans , conforme to bill of comprizmt thereof 53 0 0 517 4 0 Which , being divided amongst 132 quarter lands , each share is 3:19:4 .
22 The percentage efficiency of VT2 binding to each mutant probe was determined with respect to binding to the wild-type probe .
23 Comparison of the oligonucleotides used in this study ( Fig. 4A ) suggests that a change from G to A at position 9 may abolish high-affinity binding and a change from T to A at position 5 could also be detrimental to binding of the pou[c] POU domain .
24 Our lack of a regional strategy has acted as a brake on our economic development and , in the future , it will be a barrier to competing in the single market .
25 ‘ I 'm really looking forward to competing against the best from other parts of the world and I 'll give my best for Scotland .
26 The case of street robbery is particularly interesting , because this is commonly the most sensitive area for registering public concern about crime and violence , itself reflected in the fact that robbery-with-violence was the only common offence for which an adult offender could be sentenced to whipping before the abolition of corporal punishment in 1948 .
27 We still may not know who gave orders and made guide sketches — and Professor Alexander is extremely cautious in references to heads of workshops and their assistants — but the fact that such marks exist at all will send us all back to gazing into the parchment margins beside initials .
28 The gospel touched their lives at the point of loneliness , so the church opened a day care centre providing a lounge with comfortable chairs and a hot meal as an alternative to depending on the local authority ‘ meals on wheels ’ .
29 Originally the decoration was in rich mosaic and marble but much of this has gone due to looting during the Fourth Crusade .
30 He also argues his idea would go some way to helping save the rainforest , part of which is used to make charcoal .
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