Example sentences of "to [noun] from the " in BNC.

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1 The United Front was openly being used to gain converts to Communism from the ILP and the Labour Party and , if possible , to split these organizations .
2 There is Magdalen College , Oxford , begun in the mid-fifteenth century , whose tower , seen to advantage from the river , is of particular beauty .
3 He also purchased seven drawings attributed to Michelangelo from the Woodburn sale at Christie 's in 1887 and gave them to the British Museum ( five are still accepted as autograph ) .
4 BRITAIN has launched a significant lobbying campaign on Capitol Hill , including letters to Congressmen from the British ambassador , Sir Antony Acland , in an effort to prevent delays in the US Trident D-5 nuclear missile programme .
5 It was headed by Det Supt Bill Coady , who sat grim-faced with fellow detectives in the court a few feet from the dock as the verdicts were announced , to gasps from the court 's public gallery .
6 Miss Azovtseva also denied that the escaped whales — one of which is still in the Mediterranean — had been taken to Sevastopol from the Pacific coast for military research .
7 The third largest export sector is Food and drink , which contributes £78.3 million to exports from the region , or 22% of the total .
8 A more open international trading system was needed to provide access to exports from the developing world .
9 RIGA ( Reuter ) — Latvia 's mass Popular Front movement yesterday approved an ambitious plan for independent statehood in the biggest challenge so far to Moscow from the restive Baltic republics .
10 But a few days before Khrushchev was summoned back to Moscow from the Black Sea for his political execution , Mr Voronov received an unexpected invitation to go hunting with Brezhnev .
11 Those which went to Moscow from the west were fed by the Russian government ; and the ceremonial presentation each day of food to the foreigners was considered of such symbolic importance that it was kept up even during the terrible famine of 1601 – 03 , the worst in all Russian history .
12 on the faxes , just erm one item that came up really from yesterday which I 've already passed on to , to Sheila from the south cos it was raised at the south meeting but I think it 's relevant to everybody .
13 All through this period the parliamentary liaison officer supplied papers and amendments from the committee stages of the Social Security Bill and took back to parliament from the IPG problem areas suitable for Parliamentary questions and issues for MPs to follow up in other ways .
14 But the academic mind , and the exigencies of the academic career , have had the effect of splitting off academic approaches to literature from the ‘ reading ’ , in that word 's widest sense , of ordinary people …
15 Our study has collected data from 10 first wave fundholding practices and seven non-fundholding practices to measure their use of hospital care ( inpatient and outpatient ) , the speed and nature of the hospitals ' response to requests from the practices , prescribing patterns and costs , and any innovations or changes introduced in practice based facilities , as well as monitoring the views and experience of general practitioners , hospital consultants , and patients .
16 The force could be activated in response to requests from the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe ( CSCE ) or from the UN .
17 The samples ranged from modern lacquer hardened in the laboratory to objects from the last centuries BC .
18 The next day the contents were made public of an unusually critical letter to Shamir from the leading pro-Israel lobby in the USA ( the American Israel Public Affairs Committee — AIPAC ) .
19 Thanks to support from the prince of Wales , the export stop was extended ; but then came a knee blow .
20 Toshiba will invest some $90m this fiscal year to raise output to 100,000 a month from the present 30,000 and raise yields to 80% from the present 60% .
21 The doublet is assigned to ionization from the n-non-bonding orbitals of Cl , split by spin-orbit coupling [ see Section 6.6.4 below ] ; the progression is due to ionization from the H-Cl bonding level .
22 The doublet is assigned to ionization from the n-non-bonding orbitals of Cl , split by spin-orbit coupling [ see Section 6.6.4 below ] ; the progression is due to ionization from the H-Cl bonding level .
23 Moreover , the second band shows a progression with a reduced NN stretching frequency , and is assigned to ionization from the π u bonding level .
24 For example , in the spectra of many acetylenes , the bands due to ionization from the π-bonding levels show progressions with reduced CC stretching frequencies .
25 In the spectrum of ammonia ( Fig. 6.17 ) , the band due to ionization from the lone pair orbital shows a long progression in a reduced symmetric deformation frequency .
26 The spectra of show a very pronounced intensification of the bands due to ionization from the predominantly metal-d orbitals of t 2g symmetry at photon energies that appear to correspond to absorptions in the high energy electronic spectra [ 16 ] .
27 The 112 wooden boxes and 34 tin trunks have now been moved to Lincoln from the attics at Belton House , the former Brownlow seat .
28 The De Mazia trust alleges that the selection of Knopf , among a number of publishers seeking publishing rights to the Barnes collection , accompanied the award of $2 million to Lincoln from the Samuel I. Newhouse Foundation .
29 The prince will fly in to Split from the aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal , stationed in the Adriatic .
30 What he himself claimed was that he wished to enfranchise the Tibbu : he proposed to give land to Tibbu from the expropriated endowments of the Sanusi order .
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