Example sentences of "to [noun] by the " in BNC.

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1 Since 1988 the register of title has been open to inspection by the general public .
2 The hotelier is required to keep a record of this information which is open to inspection by the police for a period of up to twelve months .
3 Japan urged repayment by North Korea of accumulated debts of 80,000 million yen ( US$580 million ) , and repeated earlier calls for North Korea to open its nuclear facilities to inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency .
4 They also agreed that it was imperative that the North Korean government open its nuclear facilities to inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency .
5 Prime Minister Chung announced on Dec. 11 that all US atomic weapons had been removed from South Korean soil , and offered to open US military bases to inspection by the North on condition that the North permitted simultaneous inspection of its own nuclear facilities .
6 The firm 's accounting practices should be open to inspection by the local professional body .
7 Staff at the brewery are bitter that a profitable business can be reduced to penury by the financial crisis in its parent group .
8 The intention at that time had been for Ian and myself to return to Uist by the ferry in the afternoon but the weather was so bad that the ferryman decided not to chance his luck in the storm .
9 The Dictionary was available in northern Spain , though not used to advantage by the Spaniards .
10 Her long neck and strong pointed chin were shown to advantage by the gesture .
11 The squadron of cavalry was but a small contingent of a much larger military force despatched to Champagne by the Monis government : Épernay was to be protected at all costs and between twenty and forty thousand cavalry , dragoons and infantry poured into the town .
12 The characteristics afforded to Champagne by the inclusion of Bouzy wines in a cuvée are those of great weight and extract , richness of flavour , powerful Pinot bouquet and a high alcoholic content .
13 If A11 = 0 we can bring any non-zero element to the A11 position by the use of I we can then reduce this element to unity by the use of I(l) , and then reduce all the remaining elements of the first row and the first column to zero using I(k) .
14 Other metalepses include letters written to Mira by the characters she invents , and arguments with terrorists of her own creation .
15 The latter usually restricts its activities to areas of thicker vegetation , whereas Microtus agrestis favours more open areas , so that even if it is less common overall in the habitat it is more susceptible to predation by the owl and is taken more frequently .
16 WG received a total of £4.6m in the settlement ; £0.9m amounted to loans to WG by the Carrs which have been written off .
17 The dips in the reflectance curve for healthy vegetation at 0.4 and 0.6–0.8 m are due to absorption by the growing vegetation to provide energy for the process of photosynthesis. ( b ) The actual reflectance spectrum of an object ( upper diagram ) and the spectrum recorded by a broad-band sensor such as Landsat 's Multispectral Scanner .
18 A starter regimen was used , with infusion of 60% of the calculated total caloric requirements on the first day ; this was progressively increased to 100% by the third day .
19 In 1935 they were summoned to Moscow by the Comintern and in April 1937 Neumann was arrested by the NKVD and disappeared for ever .
20 Less than a mile away , locked in all-day talks with Mr Major , Mr Yeltsin was promised an official trip to Moscow by the Prime Minister after his plea for a royal visit was turned down .
21 By September , a few weeks before an official visit to Moscow by the Malaysian Prime Minister , Tun Razak , the Soviet press described the ZOPFAN initiative as ‘ an idea that can not be underestimated ’ .
22 Thus during a visit to Moscow by the Malaysian Prime Minister , Datuk Hussein Onn , in September 1979 Kosygin expressed support for the ZOPFAN resolution since its implementation ‘ would establish a precondition for the widening of the process of détente over all the Asian continent ’ .
23 Against this background the Soviet leader Gorbachev chose a visit to Moscow by the Algerian President to seize the diplomatic initiative by calling for superpower talks on the nuclear and naval demilitarisation of the Mediterranean Sea , for the transformation of this region in a military sense into a neutral zone for the naval forces of external powers .
24 The agreement on the Dahlak facilities apparently was reached in November 1980 during a visit to Moscow by the Ethiopian leader , Mengistu Haile Mariam .
25 Itzhak Moda'i , the Finance Minister , and Yuval Ne'eman , Minister of Science and Energy , had been invited to Moscow by the Soviet Chamber of Commerce and Industry , and discussions during their visit centred on economic and scientific co-operation .
26 Although there is no reference to crime in the Act of 1978 which corresponds to the reference in section 6 of the Act of 1935 , it is hardly to be supposed that Parliament , while creating a considerable extension of the right of contribution in cases other than cases of tort , nevertheless intended to narrow the right to contribution previously given to tortfeasors by the Act of 1935 .
27 The government 's formal reply to these reports is presented to Parliament by the Treasury in the form of a Treasury minute , and the reports and minutes are debated annually in the House .
28 Following his comments Shoob on Oct. 5 acceded to requests by the authorities to withdraw from the case and admitted that he had reached " certain preliminary conclusions " concerning the evidence .
29 Assistant Recorder Mr. J. Anthony told Youngman : ‘ You have an otherwise unblemished record but this was a serious offence of violence on police officers who are entitled to protection by the courts . ’
30 The time had come to splash out to the tune of forty quid a head for the eight members of his party who had travelled with him from the Forest of Arden to Sussex by the Sea .
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