Example sentences of "to [noun] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Fleischmann decided to send over all the equipment , cell , fluid and palladium , by air to Harwell for them to do the neutron measurements .
2 A complete energy spectrum of all neutrons was needed but Fleischmann 's earlier hope that he could send cells to Harwell for them to make measurements on had been thwarted by customs and excise regulations .
3 It was hard to leave , too , because the parents of my good friend Henry Clerval would not let him go to university with me .
4 Shame I could n't take it to University with me that 'll be interesting !
5 He said he heard Stroud say : ‘ This will teach you to shit on me . ’
6 I do n't think you get attached to birds like you do animals .
7 Wariness began to snake through her , from her stomach to her solar plexus , somehow interfering with her breathing .
8 But a neighbour kindly brought it back to Baldersdale for me .
9 You fitted more snugly into society , especially , the tight little society around the Consul-General , if you were married and could take your wife along to dinner-parties with you , instead of forever having to be fixed up with a stray aunt or somebody .
10 And then she would look to Gary for him to begin the piano again , and she would look us straight in the eye for as long as possible , and she would sing :
11 She felt , in her new severity ( for want of a better word ) only half alive , she knew she wanted the old enthusiasms and passions and expectations to course through her and arouse her .
12 A thought crept unbidden to her mind , causing a rush of liquid heat to course through her .
13 Perhaps , though , you could get a message to Cabochon for me . ’
14 my Prince Charles impression , do n't you dare say anything to Ben about it
15 And I can nae , can nae sleep lying down horizontally , I 've got to kind of you know kind of
16 This summer he displayed it at air shows around the UK and in France and went to Malaga in it .
17 Scandalise this sheltered creature , and she 'll kick you out , and bolt the gates to paradise behind you . )
18 I 've heard from Tim and Mark , as well as others ( Kevin and Arif and Phil and Neil ) , and it seems this change-of-address thing is happening to loads of you .
19 For example , leakage of charged particles into the upper atmosphere of a planet can give rise to emissions of em radiation called aurora .
20 And , going on in the same vein before Fabia could gently state that she would n't dream of going to Czechoslovakia without her , ‘ It 's about a four-hour crossing so you 'll have time for some shut-eye and a rest before … ’
21 ‘ We were all set to come to Czechoslovakia for her to see you and for us then to take a holiday while her husband was doing some work in America .
22 ‘ I say , I 've just had the most marvellous idea — why do n't you come to Czechoslovakia with me ? ’
23 Whatever it was I 'd taken from Sunil 's house — and I 'd only done it as a favour to him , after all — he could n't have said anything to Nassim about it .
24 If , however , we do apply anthropological and linguistic perspectives to this recent work on the consequences of literacy , as I claim we must despite its claim to protection from them , then that work in fact turns out to be as biased as that of the earlier phases .
25 He said , " I 've talked to Mum about it and if you do n't want to get married then no one is going to force you to .
26 I do n't go to Brighton on it .
27 She owed it to the town , and she owed it to the memory of Frank Williams , her father , who 'd had no one to fight for him when he 'd needed it most .
28 It must be wonderful to go on holiday to a sunny country instead of going to Saltcoats with us .
29 It 's not like that it 's just that I think it 'll help you to write it down and to think about it and to talk , talk to Kelly about it .
30 Well so you think actually send something through to reprographics for them to do in Liverpool ?
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