Example sentences of "have given for the " in BNC.

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1 But on the other hand I 'm pleased the reasons they 've given for the delay are the points we 've been raising with them over the last two years .
2 They accused him of altering the figures on receipts for money they had given for the release of prisoners , handing over a smaller sum to creditors and pocketing the difference ; charging prisoners for candles ; taking £5 out of the Poor Box to free a prisoner ; lending them money on their plate and watches which belonged to their creditors .
3 The fact that had struck them both , however , was the date the genotyping had given for the conception of the boy : a date which coincided with a visit Wyatt , Berdichev and Lehmann had made to a singsong house in the Clay .
4 Mr Tebbit , the ex-party chairman and MP for Chingford , asked Mr Hurd ‘ whether the pledge that we have given for the last four general elections , that there would be no further large-scale immigration , still stands or not ? ’
5 I can say to my honourable friend , the member for Rydale who takes such a close interest and is so well informed er on these matters , er I 'm very grateful to him for the welcome he 's given for the orders here , he 's absolutely right to say that we have gone beyond er what restrictive called for by Bingham , we have extended it to other sectors in the financial we welcomed the honourable gentleman from Edinburgh Central that these er orders are in some way timid , they are what was called for by the treasury select committee , they are what was proposed er by Bingham and we have er introduced them er here tonight .
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