Example sentences of "have time [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No one has time to attend to you .
2 The boy who began to convert souls while our future rectors and curates were deep in criticism , history and examination subjects , and who has never had time to go to school or university since , is not impeccable in taste .
3 No mention was made of my helping with the editing , and when I enquired , I was told the programme was nowhere near that stage yet ; in fact , the producer had not yet had time to listen to the — what must be by now — at least four hours of tape .
4 The ceiling and the walls in places were badly scorched , but structurally there had been very little damage and , luckily , the fire had been brought under control before it had had time to spread to other parts of the building .
5 B : Ive seen him but I have nt had time to talk to him
6 ‘ We 've had time to adjust to the idea . ’
7 Even if she had heard the locomotive 's whistle as it entered the tunnel , she would not have had time to run to the bridge in time to meet Mr Cross as he parked his car in the goods yard .
8 But parents throughout Northern Ireland have been campaigning for the new test to be revamped or at least postponed until pupils have had time to get to grips with the new format .
9 She knew from experience that if she started a conversation with the girls about anything other than business , it could go on for ever , and Christina did not have time to listen to Todney 's domestic problems this morning .
10 A couple of clients had called me , and I would have time to talk to them in the morning ; and I had an invitation to a golf society day in a couple of weeks ' time .
11 But I did not have time to talk to them all day ; I had my work to do .
12 He plays a short sample down the phone , an almost unintelligible blur May , a non-stop talker and tireless ambassador for techno , rolls his eyes in a resigned manner ’ I get every kid in the city ringing me up and I feel bad because I do n't have time to talk to them . ’
13 Roland do not necessarily have time to reply to letters where the course of action has already been explained in the handbook .
14 Just before Christmas I had to go to Windsor , and did n't have time to get to the surgery to fill up .
15 They would certainly have time to get to the river Almond and cut off any interference from the garrisons there at Perth and at Scone , even if they ca n't overwhelm them .
16 Reply : The Premier 's deputy secretary Jonathan Haslam replied : ‘ As I am sure you appreciate , particularly after recent events , the PM 's schedule is such that he simply does not have time to contribute to your magazine .
17 The question is therefore asked with an implication attached to it of ‘ do I have to start getting really worried now or do I have time to adjust to this bad news ? ’
18 The impression I have is that once the Brabham-taming begins he wo n't have time to speak to us again , never mind buy lunches .
19 The rush was over by then , so I had time to listen to him telling me how bored he had been with the monotonous life in Parma .
20 He described criticism of Alex James in his first weeks with the club as ‘ one of the meanest things I have ever known ’ because it was made before James had time to adjust to the midfield linking role .
21 She had time to get to her car , to make her escape .
22 Soon afterwards , on Good Friday , Walter was seized by a fever ; his house was invaded by impure demons ; he just had time to struggle to Sault and make his confession ; and at dawn on Easter Sunday ‘ he withdrew from his body ’ .
23 She barely had time to struggle to her feet before cruel fingers tangled in her hair and her face was jerked up to the light .
24 But the intention of the rebels was to bundle Baldwin out of the leadership before opinions had time to come to terms with the election results .
25 Zen just had time to cross to the phone booth , dial the police emergency number and give the message he had prepared before boarding the bus as the doors were closing .
26 Much of the legislation for completion of the single market has been adopted with a significant proportion already in force ; other legislation , such as in the air transport sector , is only transitional , so that businesses affected have time to adapt to the changing environment .
27 Although the Church of the period lamented Charles ' sexual vigour and lack of suppressive morality , to the modern imagination it seems remarkable that he could rule a vast empire and still have time to devote to three concubines .
28 Prices in the shops and restaurants drop like the libeccio wind did for us and people have time to talk to you .
29 Teenagers ( and children ) should always be told about future events involving them moving house , or father going into hospital for an operation so that they have time to adjust to the idea .
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