Example sentences of "have so [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The fact that the regime has so quickly and so completely imploded in East Germany could risk a reunification of Germany almost by default before long , ’ one diplomat said .
2 He might feel that any heir , even one who disinherits him , is worth having so long as it keeps the name going . ’
3 But the true memorial to his father , the empire Xavier de Chavigny had so painstakingly and brilliantly built up during his lifetime — that he had simply allowed to decay .
4 But she could still recall , quite vividly , how it had been when she and Tom had married , just as soon as he had been able to dispense with his crutches : their brief but ecstatic honeymoon , the way he had so gently and expertly initiated her into the pleasures of sex and how , in spite of all his subsequent straying , she had remained faithful , forgiving and in love with him , in her own way , right to the end .
5 Unfortunately those clergy who had so eagerly and diligently defended and justified the war were likely to be engulfed and damaged by the pessimism and disillusion which its failure provoked : pacifism was commonly embraced by the lollards .
6 Certainly the visitor whose hand Creggan had so swiftly and accurately caught in his talons let out a cry of alarm and pain , trying to pull his hand away .
7 He was being very much the doctor , Sally-Anne noted , even through her distress , which was growing less by the minute as she regained the self-control which she had so suddenly and disastrously lost .
8 He came out of the Hotel suddenly and violently , unable to endure the privilege which had so cruelly and so recently oppressed him .
9 The monthly Civil Engineer and Architects Journal , in its March edition , said that Hall was ‘ indulging the weakness of feeling annoyed that the scheme on which he had so greatly and justly plumed himself should fall into the hands of his successor ’ .
10 That had been the start of their relationship , which had so totally and dramatically changed her life .
11 No other man had so eloquently and constantly spoken of the way I had haunted him from the first moment he cast eyes on me .
12 This must be the watchword of the Western democracies who have so painfully and yet so necessarily dismantled Saddam Hussein 's war machine , at such a cost in lives and scarce resources .
13 cos I do n't mind what they have so long as they eat it
14 … in Justice to the Memory of the Author , as well as for the Satisfaction of all those who have so chearfully and generously contributed to improve the best Legacy she could bequeath to her Father , we beg leave to inform them , that her Conduct and Behaviour entirely corresponded with those virtuous and pious Sentiments which are conspicuous in her Poems .
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