Example sentences of "have been [adv] much " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The change has been pretty much the same as in the North Sea particularly , for example , in relationships with contractors and contracting policy .
2 Their advice and assistance offered to those seeking help through the Association during 1990 has been very much appreciated .
3 This is nowhere more so than in West Germany , where some 800 pedestrianised areas exist with a mean size of 2,500 metres.So widespread has been this conversion of former car streets that the city centres of large German cities are effectively completely given over to foot traffic.36 Britain has been very much slower to recognise the benefits that pedestrianisation can bring .
4 And the re-concentration of growth , and the much smaller impact of decline , in the south since the mid-'70s has been very much focused on the previously less industrialized regions ( and parts of regions ) .
5 If the conflicts have been most evident in direct cultural production , they have been most complex and most general in the crucial formative area of education , where the direct controls of established institutions of reproduction have been easier to maintain , largely because the influence of market forces has been very much less relevant , and the only major factor of asymmetry has been the ( always practically weaker ) claim of professional and cultural independence .
6 As the historical chapter showed , the development of social policy has been very much a process of piling new initiatives on top of older policies , without ever clearing the ground to facilitate a fresh start .
7 ‘ My own life has been very much marked by families and good relationships . ’
8 For Vietnam , reconstruction has been very much a matter of the people working together to turn the country green again .
9 Mr Bailey has been very much a front of house man at Hatchards and well known to many of the bookshop 's most distinguished customers , but Dillons is understood to be reorganising the store 's management structure under its new general manager , Roger Katz , and , with the recent appointment of Duncan Goldie-Scot , looks to be putting greater emphasis on direct marketing .
10 Thanks Your friendly and warm welcome has been very much appreciated .
11 But there is little evidence to suggest that where a TNC has actually survived indigenization , its effective control has been very much affected .
12 ‘ Health promotion has been very much the Cinderella of policy , not only in Wales but everywhere , ’ he said .
13 Racist atrocity has been as much a part of the American experience of war as any other nation .
14 Friction between locals and newcomers has been as much a function of this as of any other factor , a conflict between the aesthetic appreciation of the qualities of the English countryside and a utilitarian assessment of its productive capacity .
15 ‘ At first I planned to stay in hospital with Jessica , but this has been so much better .
16 To try and answer this question , it is necessary to look in more detail at the anatomy of the current slump in the housing market and assess why it has been so much more severe than previous downturns .
17 It is significant that the huge grants of land and serfs to noble favourites and officials , for which she has been so much blamed , followed the first partition of Poland in 1772 .
18 Britain has been so much influenced by America we no longer consider Woolies , Mars bars and shopping malls ( see last week ) to be American .
19 ‘ If I 'd been there much longer she 'd have been levelled down all right , ’ Bridie said with a grin .
20 Some people have said that if they joined the t&g or ACTT the strike would have been over much quicker .
21 His first was his refusal to devalue the pound until he was forced to do so ; had he devalued in mid 1991 as he should have done , the recession would have been over much sooner .
22 I 'm only sorry I had a prior engagement , otherwise I 'd have been here much earlier . ’
23 The last apprehension may have been as much influenced by professional considerations as patriotic ones .
24 That she did so then may have been as much the consequence of events as of advice .
25 Remembered as a son of the King Cenberht who had been a co-ruler of the western Saxons with Cenwealh before his death in the 660s ( see above , p. 49 ) , he may have been as much a victim of the impact of earlier Mercian expansion under Wulfhere as of internal strife .
26 Could n't have been really much better really ,
27 It could have been really much quicker .
28 It could have been so much worse . ’
29 The kids loved the chants and the masks and puppets-usually Masquerade 's strength , although here even these lacked the usual imagination-but really it could all have been so much better in almost every respect .
30 Indeed , the suggestion might well have come from him in the first place , which would have been so much better for everyone .
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