Example sentences of "have not [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 BRIGHTON : In six verbose years as leader of his party , Neil Kinnock has not a memorable phrase to his credit .
2 The answer to this question has not a few repercussions in the social world that sociologists study — often for purely secular reasons .
3 It is clear that the Secretary of State has not a single idea on the issue .
4 Entering the depths of the mind can be extremely dangerous if the would-be mystic has not the mental or physical capacity for this interior quest .
5 Has not the Prime Minister managed to get the worst of all worlds by vetoing what he should have accepted — the social upgrading that we all want — and by half accepting what he should have vetoed — economic and monetary union , which will be deeply damaging and which will lock both this country and Europe into a decade of deflation ?
6 The return to my house is strained by the thought that he still has not the faintest idea where he is going .
7 Although Mr Melding , a first-time candidate , has not the faintest chance of winning , he is reluctant to dwell gloomily on the fact .
8 If you then say , ah well it might expand to double that number or to five thousand , as was postulated , that then begs an even larger question , because in my submission you would then go back and revisit the alternatives of , for example , should you expand Tadcaster , which has not the best facilities in its town centre , er to quote but one example of er viability and sustainability of towns .
9 ( It may be noted that erection can occur in younger — sometimes much younger — boys ; but it has not the Same significance . )
10 Every golfer in the world experiences that awful feeling of helplessness when he stands over a putt and knows that he has not the slightest chance of getting the ball near the hole , let alone into it .
11 The hon. Gentleman is really behaving disgracefully — — when he accuses British Rail of negligence before an inquiry has even begun , and when he has not the slightest idea of what caused that accident .
12 However , one has not the slightest doubt that the moving spirits behind the coaches ' gathering will have been England 's Geoff Cooke and Australia 's Bob Dwyer .
13 Has not the Labour-controlled local authority frequently made proposals for reorganisations , knowing that they would be rejected because they were highly partisan ?
14 If you say that the Nationalists of Ireland have a right to claim to go out of the united Kingdom as a community if you say that five or six per cent of the whole of the United Kingdom have that right because they wish to have separate rule for themselves , how can you say that a body in Ireland , not five or six per cent , but twenty-five per cent of the whole population , has not an equal right to separate treatment ?
15 The person I had seen could have not the slightest interest in a beat-up old poet like me .
16 He seemed to have not the slightest interest in what she was saying .
17 The evidence given to the Select Committee showed that in Norway and Belgium it was the practice to keep in solitary confinement prisoners ( whether sentenced for murder or for other crimes ) who had not a criminal record , but this method was adopted for reformative purposes and for protecting such prisoners from contamination by other prisoners .
18 The men had not a dry thread on their bodies ; there was not a dugout that could provide dry accommodation .
19 More sepoys poured forward over the bodies of their fellows and a number of the defenders who had lingered too long hammering nails into the vents of the cannons were cut down as they tried to make their way back to the shelter of the buildings ; many more would have perished had not a small rescuing party which included Rayne , Fleury , half a dozen Sikhs and a couple of Eurasian clerks , wielding sabres and bayonets , surged forward in a sudden counter-attack to surround their companions and drag them back .
20 They had not a great deal of choice .
21 Gerald Kaufman , as usual , had not a good word to say for anybody or anything .
22 He had not a handsome face , but it was better than handsome : being extremely amiable and cheerful . ’
23 We were playing a silly game , which had not a tragic outcome — it had , thanks to the mercy of providence , a fortunate outcome — but it had an outcome which is not one which ah statecraft should either aim at or be proud of having achieved .
24 I am normally a law-abiding citizen but I had not a single scruple .
25 But the sovereigns from Queen Victoria onwards turned consultations with the archbishop into a constitutional convention ; so that now the Archbishop of Canterbury had the principal say in the choice of bishops and had a right to be consulted on the choice of his own successor ; or , if he had not a constitutional right , at least he had every right to proffer advice to the prime minister whether the prime minister asked for it or not .
26 You had not a bad skinful yourself last night ! ’
27 They were seated now , on Rab 's ruined chairs ; and Rab noticed that Doctor — some surprise — had not a bad leg .
28 Several drunk Britons tried to hang him one night , and would have succeeded had not a French Corporal cut him down in time .
29 And there , as they say , the matter rested , for there was now nothing further we could do ; and Meehan might have had to serve many more years in prison had not a further and quite unexpected twist come to this most tangled of cases .
30 Some of Tuscany 's best wines , now made entirely from Sangiovese , would never have reached the drawing board had not an imported French variety got up a lot of Italian noses .
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