Example sentences of "have to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In some companies this role has to a degree been formalised through the creation of audit committees made up of non-executives , their function being to review the effectiveness of the company 's auditing procedures and to liaise with the auditors .
2 In recent years the model 's exclusive focus on shareholder interests has to a degree been modified .
3 Originally published by Poetry Wales in 1982 , this updated edition of critical writings on R S Thomas not only explores the evolving approaches Thomas has to a variety of , by now , well- established themes , but also contains an extended bibliography of source material , invaluable to any student or reader of Thomas 's work .
4 This leaves the US as the nearest thing the world has to a globocop , the only major power able to project its military forces on a global scale .
5 Listen , Rober' , if there is anything we can do — I think we are now the nearest thing your friend Nader has to a family here in Paris . ’
6 For a start , Britain has to an extent been forced by the rules and practices of the EEC artificially to divert her exporting efforts to Europe and away from where they may have been more beneficially employed for her in the rest of the world .
7 Here it may be that er it 's important to say er what she said value or what relevance it has to the trial of the son anyway .
8 In the immediate postwar period the Labour Party experienced rapid ascent to a position of unchallenged authority which has to the present never been relinquished .
9 The unluckiest punter has to the Reverend Peter Wyld from Oxford .
10 The English coast flashed beneath and he QSY 'd to the airfield 's Air/Ground frequency .
11 To justify a treatment of women which denies their autonomy , resort has been had to a ragbag of ideas about female and male sexuality , varying from the bogus to the irrelevant and culled formerly from medicine and latterly from psychoanalysis .
12 The nearest that we have had to a declaration so far is an off-the-cuff remark to journalists in Harare last week , when the Prime Minister said : ’ There are eight months to go . ’
13 The majority of reported decisions over the next few years in other State courts took the Californian position , that first resort was to be had to the Convention procedures .
14 A number of District Courts took the position on that issue that first resort should still be had to the Convention .
15 But the court went on to urge the adoption , perhaps by the United States Supreme Court which was about to consider the matter in the Aérospatiale case , of a principle that resort should first be had to the Convention procedures in every foreign discovery case unless their use appeared futile from the outset .
16 The following year , on the recommendation of the Royal Commission on Income Tax ( 1920 ) , the child allowance was increased to £30 and the income limit removed altogether on the grounds that ‘ in all ranges of income some regard should be had to the taxpayers marital and family responsibilities ’ … and that ‘ rates of tax should be so adjusted that the taxation to be borne by each class should be redistributed among the individual taxpayers in that class with due recognition of family obligations ’ ( Section VIII ) .
17 In either event , particular regard will have to be had to the capital gains tax , inheritance tax and stamp duty implications of such a transaction , and whilst these are dealt with more fully in Chapter 2 , the following points are mentioned as an aide-méemoire : ( i ) If the new husband purchases the husband 's interest in the house , is this for full value and on the basis of an arm 's length transaction ?
18 Regard must be had to the decision in Williams & Glyn 's Bank Ltd v Boland [ 1981 ] AC 487 .
19 In this respect , s11(4) provides that where an exclusion clause seeks to restrict liability , regard should be had to the availability of resources and insurance to meet the liability .
20 to the extent to which regard should be had to the range of awards in other cases which are comparable such cases should as a rule be those which have been determined in the same jurisdiction or in a neighbouring locality where similar social , economic and industrial conditions exist .
21 In this respect , regard will be had to the consequences of the purchases on their capital and dividend covers .
22 In borderline cases , such as broken down vehicles or power assisted pedal cycles , recourse must be had to the case law .
23 The statement of reasons merely referred to the current situation of the world market in fuel and declared that regard had been had to the bids received .
24 It is said , however , that if regard is had to the statutes of the university , referred to in the notice inviting applications , on the basis of which the contract was clearly made even if the statutes were not referred to in the letter , the university had no such right .
25 ( 3 ) In determining the value , under paragraph ( 1 ) , of an action which is brought by more than one plaintiff or applicant regard shall be had to the aggregate of the expectations or interests of all the plaintiffs or applicants .
26 Where , in complying with s 51(8) , the responsible person reduces the amount which would otherwise be awarded to the person in question , the amount of that reduction must not exceed a prescribed percentage ( for the time being 25 per cent ) and on any taxation of the costs payable by that person to his legal representative , regard must be had to the amount of the reduction ( s 51(9) ) .
27 Regard must be had to the fact that the employee 's sense of danger will have been dulled by familiarity , repetition , noise , confusion , fatigue and preoccupation with work ( Caswell v Powell Duffryn Associated Collieries Ltd [ 1940 ] AC 152 ) .
28 Some mortgagees insist on approving the draft conveyance or transfer and regard must therefore be had to the practice of each mortgagee .
29 Regard must therefore be had to the practice of each mortgagee in circumstances of this nature .
30 On the latter part of the hon. Gentleman 's question , he will know that the Foreign Ministers of the European Community considered the subject earlier this week and made it plain that , when considering recognition , regard would be had to the extent to which the republics were ready to undertake the treaty obligations to which the hon. Gentleman referred .
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