Example sentences of "have a [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A willingness to accept greater liability under a contract in return for payment of a higher price may make it more likely that an exclusion or limitation of liability will satisfy the test of reasonableness ( Woodman v Photo Trade Processing Ltd ( 1981 ) , unreported ; see Lawson , Exclusion Clauses p174 ) ; however , the fact that the client has a second set of terms of business , containing less restrictive terms , may be taken as recognition that the more stringent terms are unreasonable .
2 Assuming that your machine has a standard sized case and existing motherboard the important calculation to do is the value of what you would keep and what you would throw away .
3 Even in these cases the court has a discretion to order jury trial , although it will apply a presumption in favour of trial by judge alone if satisfied that otherwise the trial would be so complicated , costly and lengthy that the administration of justice would be likely to suffer .
4 The area office has a discretion to extend the time limit but can not be relied upon to exercise this other than in the most extenuating circumstances .
5 However , in practice it appears that the court has a discretion to allow the case to continue as if begun under Ord. 53 provided this will not unfairly deprive the respondent of some protection which would have been enjoyed if the case had been begun under Ord. 53 .
6 If the claim is presented late , the tribunal has a discretion to allow a late claim to be submitted if it was ‘ not reasonably practicable ’ for the Applicant to present it in time ( EPCA 1978 section 67(2) ) .
7 The Commission has a discretion to conduct an investigation in order to collect information and evidence pertinent to the request for assistance .
8 ( b ) the RFL is struck off or suspended in any of his or her home jurisdictions — in this case the Society has a discretion to terminate the suspension , thus re-instating the RFL , on application by the RFL .
9 Normally the charge will be repaid when the property is sold but the Board has a discretion to transfer it to a substitute property in certain limited circumstances ( see reg 98 ) .
10 The judge has a discretion to exercise in determining whether-to make such an order , taking account of whether the defendant chose to contest a strong case against him or her and if the defendant must have known the real truth of the matter .
11 The concern for independence shown by the court in this case is an interesting development , but it arose in circumstances where the court has a discretion to exercise statutory powers .
12 Bolam Lake has now been designated a Country Park and has a warden to protect it .
13 is I do n't see that the the excess er access problem has a problem holding up with the highways authority , as far as this enquiry 's concerned .
14 I will maybe just remind her in case she has a problem finding one if she leaves it too late .
15 At present , each student has a subscription paid automatically to student associations where they exist , and they almost all affiliate in turn to the National Union of Students .
16 At present , each student has a subscription paid automatically to student associations where they exist , and the associations almost all affiliate in turn to the National Union of Students .
17 Lil in any case has a breakfast meeting with those Fox Ghosts I saw snooping around Mephistco on my last trip back .
18 So Barry Brittlebank has a bone to pick with my grammar , eh .
19 Now he has a fortnight to worry about whether that incident has cost him a place on either of England 's two winter tours .
20 She now has a fortnight to pay off the arrears if she and her seven children are to keep their home .
21 ‘ VW Audi have a progressive healthy eating policy , ’ Graham said , ‘ and each menu has a colour coded chart so people can choose meals to suit their diet .
22 This great plate — adorned with a few ‘ hot spots ’ , where plumes of magma have spurted to the surface randomly to form such agglomerations of islands as the Hawaiian chain , the Marquesas , the Tuamotos , the Tubuais and that tiny British possession the Pitcairn group — is almost universally deep , has a floor covered with siliceous oozes and red clays and is dotted with millions of volcanic abyssal hills discovered by the trailing of arrays of echo-sounders .
23 ‘ His game still has a way to go , which is fortunate because most players his age have grooved techniques and there is not a lot more to come .
24 So the group at Shepherd 's Bush has a way to go before some of them might be deemed fit to audition there or at other vocational schools .
25 When the Collector mentioned this to Dr McNab he shook his head and said : " Aye , the poor man has a way to go yet before he 'll be sound . "
26 He has a way to go .
27 After tights ( for Hamlet ) , it seems that Mel Gibson now has a yen to wear chaps and star in a Western .
28 No. 3/142 has a façade decorated by Mikoláš Aleš for the ironmonger , Rott , and the chemist at 13/457 has a most interesting 19C interior .
29 The feedforward circuit has a retina consisting of fifteen inputs .
30 Bibury , 8 miles north-east of Cirencester , is generally held to be the most attractive of all the Cotswold towns and has a trout farm you can visit .
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