Example sentences of "have [been] [vb pp] no " in BNC.

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1 Both the initial idea and the financial backing came from the Inter-American Commission for Women ( OAS dependency ) and the project has been given no financial assistance from the government itself .
2 I understand that Brady has been given no specific date for his meeting with the board .
3 They point out that disenchantment has been swollen no doubt by recent events such as the surge in unemployment past the three million mark , the murder of two-year-old James Bulger in Liverpool and even the February weather .
4 The scope of this immunity has been changed no less than six times in the last 20 years .
5 What else could you do if you 'd been given no further guidance ?
6 He says if the inquest was in America and not in Oxford then the US airmen would have been left no option but to attend .
7 Why should the poor child be pushed into the world , having been given no choice , no option , no chance of refusal ?
8 It seemed he had been sent no less than ten lords a leaping .
9 Happily Herbert had eventually trotted off and to Amy 's distress had been seen no more , although his lead still hung on the caravan door , a limp reminder of her bereavement .
10 He said that he had been given no information about the departure and even late yesterday , had been unable to reach government officials responsible for refugee matters .
11 Already , there had been a steady flow of Norman families into the country from England , but they were thinly spread and had been given no opportunity to make an impact on Scottish society and administration .
12 Compelled , absolved , she had been given no choice .
13 Scandinavia had had even less success in the numerous discussions on a customs union , and the topic had been given no priority in the plans of the Nordic Council .
14 But the officers had been given no orders to occupy these positions , so they simply returned to their lines to await instructions .
15 Lord Derby complained that he had been given no warnings .
16 London had been given no such attention , but The London Society since 1912 had been undertaking work which was brought together in essays edited by Sir Aston Webb ( 1921 ) .
17 Sullivan later claimed that he had been given no instructions on this point .
18 The caller also was extremely annoyed that calls relating to valuation matters were being passed to her but Media Action had been given no alternative numbers to filter these calls to .
19 Ms Wilikins did not look too happy with the question for which she had been given no prior notice .
20 " The Independent " argued that it could not in natural justice be bound by an order made against another newspaper , on different facts , and which it had been given no opportunity to oppose .
21 Laura had been given no time to mourn the collapse of her brief marriage .
22 Mr Allan told the court Say had spent a normal and happy weekend with his wife before the incident and had been given no indication she was leaving him .
23 It was agreed the method of the selling of tickets for future occasions should be considered but that once the quota had been reached no further participants should be admitted .
24 In the great struggle to extend cultivation to feed the growing cities , the peasantry had been defeated no less decisively than the Crown .
25 It had been thought no money would be forthcoming , but the new grant will be from a different department within the SAC , it emerged yesterday .
26 The dragon-ships had been promised no opposition .
27 There was a lengthy pause before she said he had been allowed no choice .
28 Delicately Louisa had tried again and again to create the opportunity , but she had been allowed no room .
29 Brazil was a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) , but although it had signed the 1967 Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America ( the Treaty of Tlatelolco — see p. 22505 ) it had not signed the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ( NPT — see p. 22787 ) , and for this reason had been allowed no international shipments of nuclear fuel since 1978 .
30 With the 8 mm clast sizes , exposed edges of bone began to become chipped within the first hour of abrasion and some loss of molars occurred ( Fig. 1.10A ) , but once the weaker bone had been removed no further breakage occurred .
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