Example sentences of "have [been] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Ted would 've been lost without me , ’ he boasted .
2 ‘ I think it must 've been hit by a car , ’ he said .
3 Well you see they 've been brainwashed to that sort of music so they 're bound to , bound to like it .
4 The Beach-heads hear they 've been cursed by a Swells SOTW
5 you know so erm so some er a lot more should 've been done about actually getting , even if it was just well I 'm in that area , I 'm in the area on such and such a day anyway so I can call in to see you .
6 A little bit I think that he was just concerned that perhaps there might 've been other people who might 've wanted to come and if people had rung up and you had had a waiting list something could 've been done about it
7 The slow-crawl music they produced might 've been linked with hardcore , but it was really ‘ the end of rock , the dying throes ’ .
8 You see I 've been entrusted with the task of getting him safely back to the Reich and I 've little more than three weeks to do it in . ’
9 ‘ I can see I 've been displaced in Leo 's affections . ’
10 On several occasions the ‘ correct ’ response was not the obvious one , so perhaps a wider variety of inputs could 've been catered for .
11 ‘ You had them all the time — you trailed me round — you bloody filthy lying bastard — you poked my head into every shit-bin in Bristol — you led me up hill and down dale till my feet were dropping off — you made me steal some people 's boat — I could 've been got by the police — I might be festering in jail now — handcuffed — criminal — you do n't care , you 're criminal anyway — I would n't be surprised if you 'd murdered half a dozen innocent people and cut them up and kept their pieces stashed away in the hole where you 've been hiding my bag and my things and my money and my dreams … ’
12 I know but you could 've been fetched from Grand Canaries .
13 The vicar calls for silence for the ‘ Lord Mayor ’ , who makes a short speech declaring he has been elected for a year and a day .
14 Since a Conservative government has been elected for a fourth term these developments will probably continue .
15 ‘ Therefore , Labour will be back in strength in the next election , and in the meantime , will be tiny of the performance of the council which has been elected on this occasion . ’
16 No British government in the past forty years and more has been elected with even a bare majority of the votes cast .
17 CHARLIE BISSET , a member of the elite club of players who have turned out for three Scottish districts , has been elected as an Edinburgh representative on the Scottish Rugby Union committee .
18 His eldest son , Bradford Wiley II , has been elected as his successor .
19 FORMER Mr Universe Terry Phillips , 53 , has been elected as a Conservative councillor in Knowsley , Merseyside .
20 When the dust settled yesterday Michael Knighton , a thwarted professional footballer who has been elected to the Manchester United board , spoke bitterly of the vilification he claims to have endured since moving in on the club and Martin Edwards , the chief executive .
21 At least one RAFALO has been elected to an Area Council .
22 If he wins , it will be the first time a black person has been elected to a US state governorship .
23 If confirmed , it will be the first time a black person has been elected to a US state governorship .
24 Dr Keith Suter of Australia has been elected to the Club of Rome , the prestigious international group of some 100 leading scientists , educators , philosophers and activists from 35 countries .
25 Emeritus Professor Richard Gregory , founder of the famous Bristol Exploratory , has been elected to Fellowship of the Royal Society .
26 Susan has been elected to the newly created Reserved Seat on the Executive Committee for Women , in Dublin .
27 Kate has been elected to the Executive Committee as one of the representatives of the Dublin District Committee .
28 Mrs M. Finnan , convenor of the Senior Citizens ' Lunch Club , has been elected to the Village Association Committee .
29 She has been elected to an emeritus fellowship , and has our good wishes for her retirement .
30 She has been elected to the editorial board of the Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society , London .
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