Example sentences of "have [to-vb] at [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Suppose we get 204 , giving herd B ; the second of the systematic sample will be 204 + 293 = 497 which gives herd F. By this means we always obtain two different primaries unless one of the primaries accounts for more than half the secondaries , in which case that primary has to appear at least once .
2 To maintain satisfactory progress , a part-time student has to pass at least one course each year .
3 Anyway , ’ he told her , ‘ anyone who learns to sail has to experience at least one ducking .
4 Now , by Planck 's quantum hypothesis , one can not use an arbitrarily small amount of light ; one has to use at least one quantum .
5 An officer dealing with a straightforward case of theft has to complete at least twenty documents as well as laboriously transcribe tapes of interviews .
6 Mummy calls them his worshippers — he has to have at least one of them around . ’
7 In particular , given the ambiguity of economic analysis , policy has to identify rules or presumptions to indicate the boundaries between acceptable and unacceptable market conduct and structure , but it has to offer at least some scope for the parties involved in such cases to argue countervailing efficiency benefits .
8 At times the police car had had to go at over 100 mph .
9 Yet , if such all-male groups were to reproduce themselves as hunting groups and gain the immense adaptive advantages that situation bestowed , they would have had to institute at least one , and probably several , hunts against members of their own species — the primal fathers who , of course , monopolized all the females .
10 But trade has been so bad that organisers have had to shed at least half their shop staff .
11 Since opening the new account I have had to make at least six unnecessary visits to the bank because the system was not working properly , thus wasting your time and mine .
12 Unless the public tax bills goes up , the Treasury will have to borrow at least £40 billion next year , just to stay afloat .
13 But if you are looking for a 21st century Polo , you will have to wait at least three years until the genuinely all-new one .
14 Sadly , there was no Marmite and no honey , we were told , and we 'd have to wait at least 20 minutes .
15 In any case , I shall have to wait at least until November …
16 But he 'd have to wait at least another 2 and a half hours — that 's how long Mae Luz 's flight from Manila was delayed .
17 Yesterday , Det Supt Keith Readman revealed police will have to wait at least another month to interview 24-year-old Pringle , of Thirlmere Road , Darlington , who needs further surgery .
18 Yesterday Det Supt Keith Readman , head of Durham South CID , revealed police will have to wait at least another month to interview 24-year-old Pringle , of Thirlmere Road , Darlington .
19 To qualify , individuals will have to attend at least one refresher course each year to keep abreast of the latest developments in the industry .
20 Under the Parent 's charter , all schools will have to provide at least one written report on the progress of each child each year .
21 It starts with about $380m over five years to help national authorities exchange information in areas such as taxes and export controls , says national governments would have to provide at least $6,700m over five years , it said , and wants another $7,900m or so over seven years to help all the Community 's backward regions to build up their telecommunications and computer infrastructures ; it says helpfully that loans will be available from the European Investment Bank to help with the effort .
22 But industry will have to find at least 50 per cent of the funds .
23 Poll tax payers in Hambleton will have to find at least an extra £25 after district councillors yesterday set the rate at £210 for the area 's 60,000 payers an increase of 13pc .
24 Its President would be directly elected : for election he or she would have to receive at least 50 per cent of total votes cast nationally , andmoreover receive at least this percentage in a majority of states , and might not serve more than two consecutive five-year terms .
25 On the Saturdays I would scrub the kitchen floor , black and polish the kitchen grate , and polish the knives , so that my mother could have a little rest on her return from several hours cleaning , sometimes having to walk at least a mile to her regular place of work .
26 I think we shall have to look at just the last two years . ’
27 I 'm gon na have to look at how that can be done .
28 So that first of all we would have to look at how much time people spend preparing invoices , sending out statements , producing age debtors lists and that sort of thing .
29 Well they 'll probably have to put at least the bone in there , it 's a bone graft .
30 ‘ It 's going to be strange because due to the country 's climate training will have to start at 6.30am .
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