Example sentences of "have [to-vb] her [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And , because there is no standard first aid for a broken heart , every betrayed woman has to find her own cure .
2 Suppose she puts the coat on a chair with the opening facing upwards : to get the zip at the front , she has to put her right arm into the left-hand sleeve , which means ignoring the nearest armhole .
3 Her cash income remains the same , but she has to stock her new home on that and whatever grants she can secure from social security for domestic hardware .
4 So she has to have her spayed .
5 I beat the school 's fastest runner in the 100 metres sprint , breaking the finishing tape just before the other runners manage to leave their starting blocks ; I smash the school long jump record by 15 metres ( give or take a metre ) and I hurl the discus so far that Miss Harrison , the teacher in charge of the event , has to get her battered Mini from the car park to retrieve the discus for the next competitor ( who manages a measly 25cm ) .
6 Each of us has to make her own journey into the world of night .
7 And seem prepar 'd to quit her swelling Gums
8 SOCIETY party organiser Lady Elizabeth Anson , a cousin of the Queen , has had to curb her lavish lifestyle after losing millions in the Lloyd 's insurance crash .
9 If I had n't put that frock on the lady — she 's my girlfriend by the way — I 'd have had to give her blue nipples .
10 Molly had secretly enjoyed her initiation to sex on the night of Yanto 's near drowning , but then she had had to curtail her natural emotions for fear of waking her Father .
11 In the first case , therefore , the woman has had to shift her economic dependence from her husband to the state .
12 A ninety-one year old woman , who was beaten up in her own home , has had to have her left eye removed .
13 In fact , she will have to carve her own niche when she gets there and discover where she can be most useful at Dalek Hospital , where the unit is based , without treading on anyone else 's toes .
14 For some reason he was put in mind of the daughter of a shabby-genteel family having to wear her elder sister 's cast-offs .
15 A much-loved brother dying in rather questionable circumstances , then her first husband … and then having to nurse her second husband — my father — through a long illness at a time when she herself was n't well .
16 In other words , its techniques are purely editorial : the reader does not have to adjust her mental or emotional state .
17 She may have to find her young not from a dozen but from a million .
18 Dismissing the doctor who had brought Eileen and all her brothers and sisters into the world as someone she would n't have to whelp her mangy bitch .
19 He would have to heave her blood-stained body away from the door and then scramble over it before he could race out and lose himself in the hills .
20 They 'd have to serve her favourite dish which is spaghetti bolognaise .
21 What she had not known was that in leaving home she would have to forfeit her four children .
22 She 'd have to use her real name to have the baby , because of the records and things .
23 Aunt Nessy had been one of those children who , in the days of large families , had been given away to elderly childless relatives to be brought up as a kind of maid-of-all-work and as an insurance against old age ; and what had upset her most when the parting came was having to leave her youngest sister , Beatrice , on whom she had lavished the mother-love within her — birthright of the children she was destined never to conceive .
24 But she had forgotten that Rachel would have to put her two pennorth in first .
25 Now she 'll have to put her own car keys aside for three weeks , after being banned from driving by Witney magistrates .
26 More and more , Beth found herself acting as the buffer between them , and curiously enough , at times when she sought to protect him , it seemed as though she was actually having to fight her own husband .
27 Oh , God , why did I have to forget her wretched dinner party last night of all times ?
28 The firm did not seek a costs order against Mrs Luxmoore-May , but she will have to pay her own costs for the original hearing and appeal .
29 Well , whatever it was , she knew she 'd have to bake her little cakes and present them to Mrs Kirkley on Saturday .
30 One day , he would get to the bottom of Maggie 's behaviour , although he knew he might have to get her drunk first and she was even wary of sipping wine .
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