Example sentences of "have [to-vb] [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He has to wear them all the time , but he does n't wear them all the time
2 for the sea to be judged to be the same colour the painter has to paint it different colours .
3 she has to taste it first
4 Yes , you guessed it , DJ has to find them all in another epic arcade adventure : DJ Puff 's Volcanic Caper .
5 ‘ Having a gun just means the other fellow feels he has to shoot you first .
6 The upper limit on the amount of data is set by the database that has to handle it all , rather than by the car code system .
7 Dr Sachmeyer has to give them European mouths . ’
8 She 'll give a pound coin to one of the tinkers ’ children when there 're dozens of them running round , and she 'll let them see she 's got lots more pound coins , and then she has to give them all one or they 'll bang her on the head and take them . ’
9 it has to give you that effect I thought it was marvellous
10 The writer has to give it these things to make it real for the reader .
11 That will check , McLeish thought , of course it will , someone just has to do it all .
12 The roadshow team has to put it all together — and win .
13 Bernard has to keep them all in his study .
14 We 're not asking R P G two has to have it both ways if if that idea is er is there at all .
15 She also has to get them ready for bed and try to avoid one child 's screams waking another .
16 Dancing was a pleasure in itself , as holidays were , and if one has to take them alone or with friends , then why not face the music and — give it rock all !
17 If you are a professional grower , this bud is merely one among thousands , and you will not have the time to fuss and mollycoddle it — the head comes off in one go , and the bud has to take it full blast .
18 This happens to some extent with ordinary languages : in Malagasy one has to make it clear whether a ‘ we ’ is inclusive or exclusive , while in Navajo using the verb ‘ to go ’ requires one to give some clues about returning .
19 We was drinking beer so , of course , Charlie has to make us all feel small by paying for whiskies all round .
20 He also has the rather unenviable job of being the go-between between the leadership and us , which means he has to tell us any things which ‘ are not done ’ ( for example that I ill-advisedly introduced Confucius into one of my examples ) , and also has to clear any demands we make with the leadership .
21 He 's er he 's saying that er the shifting of the ground 's political but I 'd to remember him that er , th it 's the council that 's doing their job , he 's not doing his job .
22 He 'd had to pound it flat with his shoe before he 'd been able to get it to close again .
23 I 've had to sell it all .
24 They 've had to give us one of them .
25 Erm but I 've had to give it all up because I 'm too busy , so I do n't run it from anywhere now , but for the last er four or five years it 's been from the Hotel .
26 Others have had to do it other people in other countries .
27 They have had to learn to live with one another , to adjust , to get used to each other 's habits , hobbies , friends and relations — the most crucial and critical period for every newly married couple — but they have had to do it all under the full glare of the media .
28 I think it is very sad they 've had to do it that way .
29 If we 'd a carried it on for say this time of the year now you with this erm Whitsun Holiday now , we 'd have had to do it seven days a week , cos you 'd have to be there Saturday and Sunday to stop anything going in there .
30 ‘ I 've had to keep it quiet for good reasons , and if I say much to Marc he 'll really go up the wall .
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