Example sentences of "have [to-vb] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 But chemistry has to give way to physics .
2 Efficiency of operations has to give way to inventiveness and creativity .
3 There is always a point in every case where direct evidence has to give way to circumstantial evidence .
4 I would suggest that the major item which the government has to give priority to is unemployment , especially if they wish to continue in office after three years , which I forecast could be the timing of the next general election if all goes well .
5 In the " Lady Chatterley " case , Mr Justice Byrne directed that " as far as literary merit or other matters which can be considered under s4 are concerned , I think one has to have regard to what the author was trying to do , what his message may have been , and what his general scope was " .
6 It demands a complete understanding of form ; in fact the artist has a more difficult task than the sculptor as he has to add perspective to his comprehension of form .
7 The ludicrous situation currently exists that , if a National Park does reject a fish farm application , it has to pay compensation to the farmer .
8 Any consideration of the North East has to pay attention to the severe reverses of the depression and their consequences for industrial organization , particularly in terms of a continuing delocalization of industrial control through amalgamation in heavy engineering .
9 For example , the British Cabinet has to pay attention to the process of getting its proposed legislation through both houses of Parliament ; this means considering the views and anxieties of its supporters in both houses .
10 The communication of bands and set lists in Maths then has to take place to teachers , pupils and parents .
11 But they have increasingly had to cede ground to government and to ‘ administrators ’ over issues of policy and resource allocation .
12 ... 21 AT London Scottish the role of providing rugby opportunities to Scots in London is still important , but in times of league realism , racial purity has had to give way to the expediency of also running a successful 1st XV .
13 Local authorities have lost important development-control powers and have had to release land to UDCs at extremely low prices .
14 The Ibrox manager , Walter Smith , said : ‘ It is obviously a worrying wait to see if they will be fit for Belgium but we have had to overcome injury to both these players at other stages of the season and I can only hope we are able to do so again . ’
15 West German trade unions have already had to take action to re to prevent their government from denying equal conditions to workers in the former East Germany .
16 The head has already had to refuse entry to many new pupils .
17 Over the last 20 years or so , the growing youngster has not simply had to edge his way to acceptance by the adult community as one of them : he has had to gain entry to and then leave a comparatively regulated teenage society in addition .
18 The information will have a richer and broader nature , it will be distributed , and the libraries may not ‘ own it ’ , but they will have to support access to it from places other than the ‘ library building ’ , and help to maintain and preserve it .
19 We have the luxury of course of having to go face to face anyway .
20 In Sheffield , householders do not have to carry refuse to the end of their drives — how do we construct league tables to reflect that ?
21 The monopolist would have to adjust output to Q1 and the gap in satisfying market demand in the UK at this price would be met by imports from Germany of Q1 — Q3 .
22 Although Howard did n't actually have to come face to face with Brando , they had to share the same set .
23 And there is a problem ; in New York , one of the world 's dirtiest cities , the authorities are having to ship rubbish to any available sites on the coast , because there is no room left in the city ; and the cost is tremendous .
24 It may mean that a neonatal intensive care unit , after careful reflection , rather than emotional appeals and ‘ shroud-waving ’ , may have to give way to a number of other services , relating , for example , to the mentally ill , all of which can be financed for the cost of one such unit , which , in combination , will facilitate a measure of improvement in the patients ' conditions and their integration into society .
25 While it is not right that either partner should always have to give way to the other , each may have to concede at times , for both their sakes and for the well-being of their marriage .
26 The large numbers of new aircraft entering service made it obvious that ‘ on-squadron ’ conversion would have to give way to a proper Operational Conversion Unit ( OCU ) and so in the latter part of 1951 , 231 OCU was formed at RAF Bassingbourn , a place that became with the Canberra .
27 In the end they will have to give way to a Government who will not work in that way .
28 Shareholders will have to give approval to any defence measures taken before the takeover bid , ensuring that they decide on any defence measures only with full knowledge of the conditions of the bid .
29 He began to say all the prayers to the Blessed Virgin and the saints which he had been taught at his mother 's knee , and all the while , as he prayed , he was aware that under a mile to the west lay Gribbin Head , where murder had been done eleven months before : murder he had been witness to and had profited by ; murder he had known full well was mortal sin for which , at the Judgement Seat , he would have to give account to God .
30 This is not likely to be a significant item for the first five years or so , and we would of course have to give priority to selling our own unsold units first .
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