Example sentences of "have [to-vb] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 Everyone involved has to realize that the tasks are not relearned in an automatic sequence : the fact that the patient may be able to put on his sweater one day does not necessarily mean that he is immediately able to progress to putting on his trousers — indeed , he may have forgotten how to cope with the sweater the following day .
2 Yet the counsellor of older people has to realize that the blocks may not necessarily be those current in modern attitudes and beliefs .
3 The prosecution no longer has to establish that the complainant resisted .
4 Thus one has to infer that the second statement here functions as some kind of explanation of the first statement in the passage , so that the failure of oil-bound paints on certain building materials is caused by the reaction of an acid and an alkali .
5 In conclusion , one has to wonder whether the borders are in fact open .
6 One has to assume that the report will be read critically ( though this may be a rather optimistic view ) .
7 If the House of Commons is not inclined to accept the Lords amendments , something has to give if the Bill is not to fail .
8 The machine keeps increasing the numbers it has to divide but the answer line does not change .
9 Because of an appointment or whatever one has to leave before the group as a whole breaks up .
10 One respondent in the Yorkshire survey summed up the difficulties : ‘ One has to recognise that the pressures on consultants are increasing steadily — workload , management , teaching , financial control , reduction of juniors ’ hours …
11 To do this , accepting that many visitors from across the world will probably attend the next World Cup , tempted also by the extraordinarily favourable rates of exchange and despite the problems which may still exist in the country , SARFU has to ensure that the majority of South Africans will have a chance to attend the games if rugby is to lose its elitist ‘ white ’ connotations .
12 Once the family sessions have begun , the counsellor has to ensure that the family group is maintained , despite the many potentially explosive problems and difficulties that might need to be discussed .
13 The difficulty of distinguishing between the kind of case which a tribunal has to determine and the statutory description of the situation which the tribunal must decide is the root cause of the problem .
14 The tribunal has to consider whether the employer acted reasonably in deciding to sack the employee .
15 On the principle that ‘ the job of winning control has to start where the powerless are ’ , it supports struggles at grassroots level over health , housing , wages , health and safety , and employment .
16 The Government has to realise that the only way out of the current crisis is to let local authorities take the initiative . ’
17 The court has to decide whether the mother 's refusal was outside the band of what a reasonable mother might do .
18 The trainer then has to decide whether the horse is being rather stubborn and refuses to work because he does not want to or because there is something preventing him from relaxing and settling down .
19 He has to decide whether the probe letter matches one of the letters in the memory set .
20 Therefore it would seem on this approach that the court first has to decide whether the covenant is intrinsically just and reasonable before it applies the object and intent test .
21 If small groups of say three pupils per microcomputer , the teacher has to decide whether the program will run without intervention .
22 Michael Alison , Tory MP for Selby , said that under the act a jury has to decide whether the material has a tendency to deprave or corrupt .
23 At present the coroner 's jury has to decide if the precious objects were buried with the dead , given to gods as a votive offering , or buried for safety to be dug up later .
24 To that , one only has to respond that the tax burden is greater and the economy is in worse condition than before Thatcher embarked on it .
25 The credit here denotes not the total amount the debtor has to pay but the element of financial accommodation .
26 The only thing the Grafpad has to offer that the screen-based packages do n't is the facility to use the pen to trace an existing drawing on paper into the computer 's memory and even this is limited by the accuracy of the tablet .
27 This means that the Tribunal has to ask whether the Minister acted reasonably in exercising his discretion to grant a warrant .
28 However , one has to ask whether the court would not be tempted to hold that the clause was not only unenforceable under s 2(1) but also failed the reasonableness test under s 2(2) .
29 In these tests , two lines of obviously different lengths are exhibited for a very short period of time , and the subject has to say whether the right or the left line was the longer .
30 You can you go to church every Sunday , sing the choruses or the hymns , listen to what the man has to say or the lady has to say at the front , and it can just go over your head and it can mean nothing to you apart from something that you believe might be true .
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