Example sentences of "have [vb pp] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , no accounting standard-setting body in the world has recognized them as serious propositions for replacing accruals accounting .
2 Their religious faith has sustained them in sickness , and in health has prompted concern for the ills of others .
3 She sits and watches , and they do not even realize that she has provoked them to it .
4 And she has assigned them to me .
5 Twenty-one year old Derwyn Jones , at 6ft 10ins and 18½ stone the biggest forward in Wales , has joined them from Llanelli .
6 Lancashire 's hope is that slow left-armer Alex Barnett , who has joined them from Middlesex , will develop over the next few seasons into the matchwinning spinner they have been seeking ever since Jack Simmons retired .
7 Saul Clifford has joined them from Stokesley .
8 But he has forsaken them for the moment , at least in his current Emmerich show , ‘ Some Very Recent Paintings ’ ( opening 14 January ) .
9 Eighth , they plant churches because ‘ God wants YWAM missionaries to build into local congregations the spiritual foundations ’ he has given them as a mission .
10 Does the Secretary of State not accept that our valley councils have lost more in rate support grant over the past 10 years than he has given them in new money in the latest package ?
11 In ‘ Smooth Operators ’ I took to task the brace of pop collaborators — Hue and Cry , Wet Wet Wet and so forth — whose reading of white funk has implicated them as collaborators in pop 's current fixation with sincerity , soulfulness , positivism .
12 This is a relative newcomer to the hobby , so new that nobody has slotted them into a genus yet .
13 In 1986 Metromedia 's six US television stations were sold to Rupert Murdoch , who has grouped them into the Fox Television network .
14 They may even find time for a sustained effort to win the Premiership , a trophy which has eluded them since 1987 , the only way they can improve on their remarkable exploits of the last two seasons .
15 However , even if they do not make the play-offs , the Chiefs have achieved a degree of respectability that has eluded them in past seasons .
16 According to the survey , 44 per cent of the sponsored students among the 14,000 engineers graduating in 1989 claimed that their work experience , averaging 13 months , has discouraged them from a career in engineering .
17 According to the survey , 44 per cent of the sponsored students among the 14,000 engineers graduating in 1989 claimed that their work experience , averaging 13 months , has discouraged them from a career in engineering .
18 Just as we need the rain forests , the fish need the plants , and only healthy , assimilating plants can do the job nature has designed them for .
19 Future Image maintains that the extension to a wider base has won them at least half a dozen valuable new clients , and he thinks its the way forward for all agencies .
20 There is a dark power to their fastidiously constructed nightmare pounders which has pushed them to the fore of hardcore .
21 The University of Ulster welcomes the ‘ AS ’ proposals as a means of broadening ‘ A ’ level studies and has incorporated them into its General Entry Requirements for admission to degree and DipHE courses .
22 Comedian and writer Ben Miller has the answers , and has incorporated them into a tribute performance , Gone With Noakes ( playing at Covent Garden 's Donmar Warehouse on Dec 4–5 ) .
23 The arguments , as he has presented them to me both on earlier occasions and tonight , are , indeed , seductive .
24 Their habits have probably always been similar , and if survival is to be taken as a measure of success , their conservative way of life has ensured them of a leading place in the evolutionary marathon .
25 Miller has seen them in action and concedes : ‘ They are in great shape . ’
26 The Judge has sentenced them to be detained at Her Majesty 's pleasure for ’ very very many years ’ .
27 God has led them to believe it was rational , but now apparently he has cheated them by unfairly slipping in a mystery .
28 Yet you do not have to spend very long with them to appreciate how India , then as now , has turned them into what they are , how it has brutalized them and forced them to anaesthetize their own sensibilities .
29 All the team here has turned them into citizens of the world with dignity , honour and a great future .
30 Special ad hoc arrangements should then be made to compensate those partners whose age has prevented them from extracting the maximum benefit from the changes in fiscal legislation .
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