Example sentences of "have [noun pl] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On top of this , he has allergies to oats and dust and is a finicky feeder .
2 I hope that , given the work done so far to design and cost the scheme , you can have tenders to hand by then on the basis that construction would begin on site very soon after a decision at that meeting .
3 I will have wages to tide me over initially . ’
4 This use of attire , stands by the very ordinance of God ; who , as he hath not sorted all men to all places , so he will have men to fitte themselves and their attire , to the qualitie of their proper places , to put a difference betweene themselves and others …
5 Each chapter should have references to keynote original papers , and to books covering the subject in greater depth .
6 I mean , well if you have n't got gauze in your first aid box , but you could have something like a Mediwipe or you might be able to use , open up your bandage and you can use , you know , several pieces of this , just keep going down the bandage and then you know clean it and get rid of that bit , okay , another clean bit okay , so you can adapt with whatever you 've got in your first aid box , yes , and you wo n't necessarily have scissors to hand so you 'll have to do whatever you 've got and the little Mediwipes are very useful for that , but do n't use one Mediwipe for seventy five grazes , okay , one Mediwipe for one wipe and then discard , okay ?
7 The three members of health care staff found to have antibodies to surface antigen were all women , reflecting the large proportion of female health care workers being vaccinated and followed up ( 7821 out of 10871 ; 72% ) .
8 There was no family history of haemolytic crises and he had been healthy until December 1991 , when he was found to have antibodies to HIV-1 .
9 Chlamydial infection was thus shown to have similarities to gonorrhoea in this respect .
10 They reported that 57% of their patients with the disease had antibodies to M paratuberculosis antigens , although only 18% concurrently had raised titres to three different M paratuberculosis antigens .
11 Maturities vary but they tend to be longer than those for conventional stocks ; only three of the 13 stocks outstanding at end-September , 1991 had maturity dates before the end of the century and several still had terms to maturity in excess of 20 years .
12 One afternoon the Governor summoned me to Government House and informed me that he had instructions to institute proceedings against Aung San for an alleged murder in the early days of the Japanese invasion of Burma , and instructed me to prepare the case to justify this to the country .
13 Testing laboratories and occupational health departments should find the data concerning the proportion of non-responders who have antibodies to core antigen useful in estimating the number of hepatitis B carriers likely to be revealed with use of the protocol suggested in the joint working party 's paper .
14 It is more a general feeling that the ways in which we work and consume , trade and invest , obtain our salaries , wages or profits , own property and have entitlements to welfare , are all changing dramatically .
15 Children have rights to health , education , to be free from physical and sexual abuse , to have a voice in the decisions which affect them and to grow up as responsible and active citizens but in many countries today many children stoo still do not enjoy these rights .
16 Of course some horses have early morning coughs rather like humans and some have allergies to hay , straw and some hard feedstuffs .
17 Identifying the need for a transformation , however , does not tell us which one will do the best job of achieving the five goals mentioned above : so far we have guides to diagnosis but not to cure .
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