Example sentences of "have [adv] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although IBM 's SOM has only some 10% code in common with Tivoli 's technology , only a small percentage of Tivoli source is replaced in DME 's re-worked systems management component .
2 Although IBM 's System Object Model has only some 10% code in common with Tivoli 's technology , only a small percentage of Tivoli source is replaced in DME 's re-worked systems management component .
3 The price of 36s. has thus some claim to be called the true equilibrium price : because if it were fixed on at the beginning , and adhered to throughout , it would exactly equate demand and supply ( i.e. the amount which buyers were willing to purchase at that price would be just equal to that for which sellers were willing to take that price ) ; and because every dealer who has a perfect knowledge of the circumstances of the market expects that price to be established .
4 It is to be hoped that the reader has now some idea of the problems confronting LDCs .
5 Hopefully , the reader has now some appreciation of the various payment methods , sources of finance and risks associated with international trade .
6 At the end of May Dorothy could write to her brother Richard that ‘ William has now some poems in the Bristol press ’ ; and by mid-September , just as Coleridge and Wordsworth were preparing to leave for Germany , the Lyrical Ballads were at last ready to be offered to an indifferent public .
7 For these and other achievements Morgan has indeed some claim to be considered ‘ the founding father of kinship studies ’ , as Meyer Fortes has pointed out .
8 And if you get It 's only when you get oily greasy stains that you think , oh I 'd better some ethanol or
9 After all the sniggering and playing up of our away record , you might have though SOME mention might have been in order ? ?
10 Though , come to think of it , what with Lubor being away for some days last week when she 'd arrived , he must have quite some time off from his duties .
11 Stirling managed to obtain his release , but had quite some difficulty in persuading Paddy to join him .
12 It is always wise for the counsellor to be aware of any possible worries that the counsellee might have about the meeting , and have ready some words of reassurance about the purpose of their meeting .
13 Then proceed to those that have still some way to go and take them at least a little further .
14 Obviously you can have photocopies or laser prints copied on to this material , but I have here some pens and a box of blank acetates which you will have the opportunity later to use if you so wish .
15 I think we we have quite some time on this one and I 'm sure you will all agree that a reply that we do not go down the road of a cabinet government .
16 Next to them , are those who , though labouring perhaps equally with the other , have yet some art mingled with their industry , and are to be particularly instructed and taught how to perform their part , and those are called workmen or handicrafts .
17 We have yet some planning to do .
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