Example sentences of "have provide [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Over the years since it was set up in 1982 , the Foundation has provided funds for the purchase of teaching equipment , the development of Library services , the restoration of much-loved features of the University gardens , a scholarship for under-privileged students from overseas , the publication of monographs , and improvements to sports facilities .
2 Dewey established the Lake Placid Club Education Foundation which has provided funds for the continuation of the scheme .
3 Environmental consultancy has provided jobs for several graduates over the past few years .
4 At the same time the democratisation process in Eastern Europe has provided opportunities for the churches for which they have neither experience nor expertise .
5 The Anglian Water Authority has provided facilities for walking , picnicking and car parking on the margins of the lake , where views of the water and the very fine surroundings landscape can be enjoyed .
6 For a short section of the trail here , the Snowdonia National Park authority has provided facilities for disabled people — a shale surface to make access for wheelchairs easier and a handrail .
7 The British Army has provided troops for the UN all over the world .
8 Darlington Railway Museum has provided props for a platform waiting room , and Huworth Theatre Group has supplied many of the costumes .
9 That investment has provided defibrillators for more than 2,300 front-line ambulances across the country and carries through the commitment to provide a trained paramedic on each front-line ambulance by 1996 .
10 As the law stands County Councils do not have to provide sites for people who are not deemed to be traditional travellers — or gypsies :
11 We do not have to provide sites for them , but we may have to very shortly because they themselves are going to the High Court to seek legal definition of their status and their due .
12 In Britain , their influence , certainly , was widespread , and might have provided models for the mosaics at Horkstow : pI .
13 This could have provided opportunities for structural change and review .
14 It must also have provided opportunities for men to meet regularly to discuss politics , and such discussions , and the attitude of those in the shires in times of crisis , may often have centred on how far they thought the king and his officials were living up to what was expected of them .
15 A tree that 's thought to have provided arrows for the Battle Of Agincourt has been saved from collapse .
16 Mick Miller , Marketing Director of the Museum , said : ‘ We have been privileged to have provided facilities for this prestigious project following on from the successful completion of our own N7 .
17 The Royal Africa Company had to provide slaves for English colonists as a condition of keeping the charter which gave it the monopoly of the trade , and the colonists added to the injury of leaving their debts unpaid the insult of complaining that too few slaves were being delivered .
18 While third party developments such as the Hercules graphics cards helped relieve this situation they complicated the life of the software developers who had to provide drivers for each and every variation .
19 Hospitals have to provide costings for those procedures , admissions , and care not included in the fundholding scheme .
20 The regional meetings called to set the agenda for the big human-rights conference in Vienna next month have provided forums for this bitterness .
21 These have provided pathways for fluids generated during diagenesis of the fault-bounded Triassic basins ( Holmes and others , 1983 ) .
22 What is perhaps most striking in the past three decades is the way in which social movements of very diverse kinds have become an accepted part of political life in the Western democracies , and to some extent have provided models for movements in countries where the expression of criticism , dissent and opposition through formal political institutions is virtually impossible .
23 One partner provides a school bank run by pupils , whilst others have provided projects for curricular activity .
24 Oil companies have provided datasets for testing these new techniques .
25 So after the worry of redundancy , windows have provided openings for people who would otherwise have still been part of today 's unemployment figures .
26 Will he consider the historical importance of many units , especially in Yorkshire , which have provided reservists for emergencies ?
27 They have provided remedies for the treatment of some kinds of insanity , and some of them alter conscious experience in ways which are of great philosophical interest .
28 THE St Bede 's Link with Romania , now an associated organisation of the Bradford Atea Project , have provided funds for the purchase of a tractor for use by the ‘ Pater Nostra ’ group in Atea , Romania .
29 You will find that we have provided suggestions for low-calorie desserts for each evening of the diet .
30 The advent of GCSE and the more widespread development of continuous assessment of coursework in all English examination syllabuses have provided opportunities for pupils in secondary schools to use writing for a much wider range of purposes and audiences .
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