Example sentences of "have never [be] the " in BNC.

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1 Mais r-r-rien de plus ! ’ ; and on the other , and also out of his own mouth , ‘ sponging has never been the guiding principle of my actions .
2 Standardisation has never been the IT industry 's strong point , and the answer is ‘ probably not ’ .
3 Those hostile to excessive party discipline in Westminster ( a frequent charge ) should realise that , unlike the case in other constitutions , there has never been the ‘ conspiracy of silence ’ about the existence of parties : on the contrary , the very architecture of the House of Commons speaks volumes about the place of party allegiance in the parliamentary process .
4 But availability of coal resource has never been the industry 's problem — the essential difficulties are lack of demand and high cost of production .
5 Although Beveridge argued that once older people had worked a full course and fulfilled ‘ the obligation of service ’ they were to receive ‘ an adequate income to maintain them ’ , this has never been the case in practice .
6 This has never been the case .
7 It has never been the policy of National Parks to accept large housing estates , but applications for tourist complexes are now cropping up with alarming frequency at planning meetings .
8 In many instances this has never been the case , which has left the door open for people who regard rabbits as a pest to use the most drastic and least sporting methods .
9 It has never been the intention of Guitarist to augment dealer ads with sycophantic reviews , either .
10 It has never been the Queen 's style to rant and rave when things have gone wrong — and in truth she has never needed to .
11 It has never been the Royal Family 's policy to comment on private matters .
12 ‘ I 've never met a woman more beautiful than my wife , ’ he says , ‘ so there has never been the temptation . ’
13 Hillary was catapulted to stardom and his life has never been the same since .
14 Needless to say , this has never been the case , although in the 1960s much excitement was temporarily generated by what appeared to be a relationship between the possession of an extra Y chromosome and persistent crime ( see Hall Williams , 1982 , Chapter 2 ) .
15 This has never been the Conservative system …
16 Apparently , it has never been the practice to submit to justices a proposed draft order reflecting the terms that have been agreed between the parties .
17 The frequency of association of simple renal cysts with any of these symptoms , however , has never been the object of controlled epidemiological study , and certain important questions therefore lack definite answers .
18 A financial problem nevertheless persists as the Association , apart from statutory grants for special projects is entirely dependent on private generosity , and deafness has never been the most popular cause for charity .
19 Although the general principles underlying the decision have several times been endorsed by the superior courts , the decision itself has never been the subject of a direct challenge , and its implications have not been fully confronted by the higher courts .
20 It has never been the case that central Government would indemnify local authorities for expenditure when they are already given money through the revenue support grant to enable them to undertake their responsibilities , and that is not a way forward .
21 I am pleased to see the Secretary of State for Social Security in his place , because he has said that the decision in January 1991 to stop such payments was taken because ’ It has never been the intention , nor is it sensible , that in the generality of cases Housing Benefit should be available as an alternative to income support ’ .
22 The Conservative party has never been the party of law and order , and during this Parliament it has thrown away the last vestiges of any claim to such a title .
23 It has never been the principle of any health service management that the acceptance of a referral means that the person referred will be seen tomorrow .
24 People say he has never been the same since .
25 That has never been the County Council 's interpretation of the of the relationship between er this criteria and the Selby coalfield .
26 But ref Snoddy , with vast experience of World Cup and European football , insisted : ‘ It has never been the custom for referees to be paid their expenses in cash — or for clubs to hand over the money . ’
27 THE Roman Catholic Church has never been the most liberal institution in its views on homosexuality .
28 Before Hilda he 'd never been the kind who liked to have certainty , but after she came he settled for her way .
29 She 'd never been the crying sort — but it just took a few well-chosen words from him to reduce her to a jelly .
30 But I 've never been the world 's best listener .
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