Example sentences of "have come [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 Several times it 's happened to me that someone has come up to me and asked if I 've ever done a play .
2 Well , I know the Queen has come up to Buckingham Palace , for the Season .
3 ‘ But it 's not Kinnock ; it 's Mr Gorbachev ; the world has come on to our ground and I find that a source of strength , because at least we know that we 're talking about the capitalist system . ’
4 It has come through to me as a firm conclusion that , if there is such a thing as premonition , it is something which is instantaneous — a flash of intuition … .
5 SCOTLAND ‘ The knock-on effect has come through to us and at last it is being admitted in Scotland that prices are falling , ’ says Dunan McDougall of Ryden Residential in Edinburgh .
6 The second psychoanalytic message that has come through to the public is its preoccupation with sex .
7 Yet , take an accident like that hair in the gate , put it together with the coincidental gaze of a ghost , and it 's as if Fonda really has come back to life .
8 ‘ Zambia has come back to us , ’ Jahsaxa said , dabbing the side of her mouth with a fingernail .
9 For this son of mine was dead and has come back to life ; he was lost and is found ( Luke 15:24 ) .
10 Politics has come back to life as well .
11 While undergoing an operation his heart has stopped , but he has come back to life after having been declared dead and deposited in a coffin .
12 This week our guest on Sharing Time is Erlend who is one of the survivors of the Piper Alpha disaster and is one who has come back to Orkney this last week , staying with his family here in Orkney .
13 ‘ Oh , that 'll be why Boz has come back to Wychwood .
14 ‘ Two other factors will make us a better team this season — Keith Finlay has come back to the club from North Fermanagh and that has stiffened our batting while Tony Johnson from Barbados is a superb all rounder . ’
15 Which ancestor has come back to us ? ’
16 It has come down to personalities and Julia is very disturbed by it all .
17 Much medieval painting has come down to us in a fragmentary condition , and often in a very poor state of conservation .
18 It was he who wrote the famous book which has come down to us by its Arab translation , and is known as the Almagest .
19 In fact the definition has come down to us unchanged from the Agriculture Act 1947 , and includes all land used for , among other things , dairy farming , livestock breeding and keeping , grazing or meadows .
20 Moreover , if we explore the course of English Literature , if we consider from what source its stream has sprung , by what tributaries it has been fed , and with how rich and full current it has come down to us , we shall see that it has other advantages not to be found elsewhere .
21 Thus from this moment , the beginning of the classical period , when bronze becomes the favourite material for freestanding statues , the number of originals which has come down to us is sadly small .
22 In tracing the antiquity of Langridge we find that this manor has come down to Robin Wood via Henry Golding , Barber , Leveson , Whornes , Watson , Melford and Roger Bavent who held it with John de Langereche and finally back to Adam de Bavent during the reign of Edward I. Robin Wood died 14th July 1738 and is buried in Hailing Church .
23 The mutilated text of the passage of Polybius has come down to us in the Excerpta de sententiis and the keyword " he wept " , has to be supplied from Diodorus ( 32.24 ) with the support of Appian , Punica 132 : they are known to have used Polybius directly or indirectly .
24 Biblioth. , P.L. 28.556 ) , and Origen still knew its Hebrew title , which has come down to us in a corrupt and unintelligible form , Sarbethsabanaiel ( ap .
25 That is what the splendour of the sea has come down to ,
26 The structure of Liberal argument , both at the time and as it has come down to us in modern land law texts , is thus built upon two suppositions .
27 Yeah that was so funny , you know the bit he has to come up to the house to erm has , has to come up to the house
28 Yeah that was so funny , you know the bit he has to come up to the house to erm has , has to come up to the house
29 has to come up to the house to talk to him and erm like he sort of opens the door and just shuts it in his face cos he finds out the other bloke 's a prince and he 's just standing there in the rain .
30 Do n't put yourself in a situation where the treasurer has to come back to the committee to argue over every last penny .
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