Example sentences of "have come [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I think everyone would 've come into contact with it and I think it was just up to your own individual self really whether you took it or not .
2 Willy used to come from school and she used to come up me mum 's house with a , so could have a suck of the tit he would 've come from school and you 'd expect him the night at me mam 's house
3 In such cases the unlucky individual has taken the precaution of wearing a contraceptive sheath , but a sore on the vulva , say , of his sexual partner has come into contact with part of the penis not covered by the condom .
4 Peter Samuel of Kingfisher cited two different routes : a recommendation of a consultancy from a referral source , i.e. an executive who has come into contact with the headhunter on a previous assignment ; and by direct experience of a particular search firm from the user point of view from a Kingfisher executive who had employed that firm on a previous occasion , before he worked for Kingfisher .
5 Incidentally , though Walker is held to be still more than a touch rusty after so long away from rugby — inclined , for instance , to carry the ball under the wrong arm — the rapidity with which he has come into cap contention ought to be food for thought for our own Jamie Henderson .
6 If the patient hesitates before each answer , wondering whether or not his imagination has come into play , he will be quite unable to be spontaneous and will in fact break the train of the regression completely , often bringing the session to an end .
7 Once a replicator has come into existence it is capable of generating an indefinitely large set of copies of itself .
8 Such a view is inadequate in that there has come into existence , in the twentieth century , a body of literature in social science which is not poetry , nor is it a traditional style of philosophy .
9 Another analogous body which has come into existence within the last year or so is the National Consultative Committee for Agriculture Education ( NCCAE ) .
10 No second army has come into Lothian .
11 It is not concerned with the merits of the instruments but rather with whether the special attention of the House should be drawn to the legislation in that it : ( a ) imposes a tax or fee on the public or a charge on the public revenue ; ( b ) is made pursuant of an enactment containing specific provisions excluding it from challenge in the courts ; ( c ) purports to have retrospective effect when there is no express authority in the enabling statute ; ( d ) has been unduly delayed in publication or laying before Parliament ; ( e ) has come into operation before being laid before Parliament and there has been unjustifiable delay in informing the Speaker ; ( f ) is of doubtful vires or makes some unusual or unexpected use of the powers conferred by the enabling statute ; ( g ) calls for any special reason of form or content , for elucidation ; ( h ) is defective in its drafting .
12 It also sold the existing warehouse at Acton which has been under-used since the main London warehouse has come into operation .
13 The frequency with which controversial legislation is amended by Parliament itself ( as witness the Act of 1974 which was amended in 1975 as well as in 1976 ) indicates that legislation , after it has come into operation , may fail to have the beneficial effects which Parliament expected or may produce injurious results that Parliament did not anticipate .
14 The world 's first commercial power station fuelled by chickens has come into operation at Eye in Suffolk .
15 The EC 's long-awaited eco-labelling scheme has come into operation , with dishwashers and washing machines the first products to be included .
16 And Joe has come into school with a .
17 Fred has come into money , since his aunt has left him £5,000 .
18 After much prayer with ‘ application interview procedure ’ a team has come into formation .
19 BIRMINGHAM 'S ROLE as 1992 European City Of Music has come into question after the local council served an injunction on one of its own venues last week , preventing promoters from putting on live shows .
20 A vaccine to protect young children against HIB meningitis , which kills more than sixty children each year , has come into use .
21 A new pelican crossing has come into use at the junction of King 's Road and Cromwell Street , North Ormesby .
22 Since the war , each time the Conservative Party has come into power it has extolled the virtues of the market .
23 ‘ She has come into season , ’ said trainer Micahel Kauntze .
24 By summer evenings the Great Bear is descending in the north-west , while Leo has almost gone ; the Square of Pegasus has come into view in the east .
25 The Cross and the Centaur are now high in the south , so that Achernar is low down ; Scorpius has come into view .
26 ‘ I am delighted that Britain has come into line with all other major Western democracies and given the vote to its citizens who live and work abroad , ’ Sir James said .
27 Conditions Subsequent to the Policy — These are Conditions which relate to the conduct of the Insured after the policy has come into force .
28 What if a new accounting standard has come into force since the last statutory accounts but before the completion accounts ? c Which takes precedence : consistency , prudence , purchaser 's accounting policies , strict SSAPs ?
29 With companies being urged to look to the EC for the chance to expand now that the single market has come into force , this new service is intended to make it easier , particularly for smaller and medium-sized businesses , to take advantage of possibilities they might not otherwise get to hear about .
30 Thames Water say they 'll come down hard on anyone caught breaking the new drought order which has come into force today .
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