Example sentences of "have see [pers pn] as " in BNC.

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1 One , an older school , has seen him as a noble if embattled statesman .
2 A SUPERMARKET assistant recognised a man who tried to pay for goods with a stolen credit card — because she 'd seen him as a strippergram .
3 As for King Arthur , Tolkien might well have seen him as a symptom of English vagueness .
4 For it was not pure ocular seeing , or I should have seen her as a girl of the age which I have now reached .
5 ‘ You should have seen her as our maid !
6 Perhaps others , more forceful , would not have been so diffident : it is easy to imagine that Abdulnabi al-Hatash would have seen It as his duty to browbeat some sense into his juniors .
7 In other words , they may have seen it as a means of safeguarding their referral patterns , which might have been threatened had they been forced to restrict themselves to contracts made by district health authority purchasers .
8 I find myself dipping into my pocket and giving to causes that a decade ago I would have refused to because I would have seen it as the responsibility of the statutory sector .
9 He would have seen it as infantile behaviour .
10 But its disappearance will be of serious concern to the growing medium-sized business needing a serious injection of equity to continue to fulfil its potential and also the venture capitalist who may always have seen it as a desired exit route for an investment .
11 If she had thought she was showing him a stop-light , however , he must have seen it as a green one , for his arm suddenly tightened and there was a definite amorous gleam in his eye as he edged closer to her and breathed seductively , ‘ I like you so much , Fabia . ’
12 Earlier generations had already noticed the odd consequences which followed from Aristotle 's having seen the human condition as unquestionably that of an Athenian gentleman , and Kant 's having seen it as that of a Prussian bourgeois .
13 And then , suddenly , I had to see him as a MAN — my husband !
14 Then like a fool he had spoken of Maud , and Sarah had seen him as nothing more than a philanderer .
15 He could only assume that , being unaware of his true status as a DIA agent , the DEA and its oversight agency , the FBI , had seen him as a soft target , and framed the passport violation charge as a means of silencing an awkward witness without realizing who he was or the damage they were doing .
16 He was as perfect to her now as he had been when she had seen him as a child .
17 And she , too , had something of the precision and contrived charm of a doll with an almost round head poised ’ on a long delicate neck , a snub nose with a splatter of freckles , a small mouth with a full upper lip beautifully curved and a bristle of cropped hair , originally fair but with bright orange tips which caught the sun and trembled in the breeze so that the whole head seemed for a moment to have a vivid life separated from the rest of her body and , the image changing , he had seen her as a bright exotic flower .
18 In his deliberations whether to sell or keep on the mill as a holiday home he had seen it as a refuge from London , eccentric and remote , providing a temporary escape from the demands of his job and the pressures of success .
19 Chamberlain had seen it as an ideal way of combining the efficient running of Birmingham with improving its water supplies , housing and city centre .
20 Well it was a system that er was n't liked but it was operated because , in my opinion anyway , because the employers er had seen it as a way of getting more work out of you .
21 Last summer was in Peter 's mind too , he had seen it as a failure , here he was going to put it right , he was enjoying the fear , he was Jamie dogfighting in the sky , he was very calm , very cold .
22 Like many others , Schellenberg had seen it as employment , not as a political ideal , and his rise had been astonishing .
23 Some have seen them as a fine declaration of faith , but they are not .
24 In the past , as we have seen in earlier chapters , teachers have either confined themselves almost entirely to one or the other of the modes ( using terms like ‘ creative drama ’ in opposition to ‘ theatre ’ ) or they have seen them as separate stages in the child 's education .
25 They have seen them as evidence of the need for different kinds and structures of planning , rather than as evidence of the impossibility or undesirability of planning as such .
26 Critics of LMS have seen it as a way of bringing about education cuts without blame being ascribed to either local or central government .
27 Bauer was to describe this process as ‘ a counter-revolution ’ and Roffman and Purdy have seen it as a matter of Hollywood turning ‘ to the Right ’ .
28 Americans I have known have seen it as a kind of Whitney , but that 's not really right .
29 They have seen it as an arrangement whereby some gain at the expense of others .
30 Some of the early sociologists regarded warfare as the means by which the first great step in social development — the expansion of human societies — was accomplished , while others have seen it as the principal factor in the formation of the state itself.4 It is evident that warfare has continued to be an important factor in these processes of expansion and consolidation of state power .
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