Example sentences of "have get [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Bus dri bus driver nearly we nearly hit the the thing nearly keeled over cos he did n't realize how many he 'd got upstairs and he went round the bend and it started to go .
2 They kept nagging at him about all that space he had and how she 'd got nowhere and her dad would n't have her back and her with a baby inside her .
3 As soon as we 'd packed all the stuff in the ba van we 'd have the rest of the sandwiches the rest of the coffee or another cup of coffee and then we 'd get on the road and even if we 'd got back for four , by the time we 'd got home and , and had something to eat or if we did n't want nothing to eat , watched the telly for half an hour and get to bed , you 've got from eleven till sort of three or four the next day which is just nice because you 're in your own home
4 and erm , we 'd got there and a young lady came along delivering milk you know with a big milk float and she put the , the twins Brenda and
5 It 's a little lad and I I looked through a window , I could see Judith holding this baby but you had to walk round to get to her and I knew before you 'd got there and you were all over the moon about this little baby and everything
6 Oh yes , erm I think it was generally , er , they had to match the colouring of the rooms that they 'd got , the furniture they 'd got really because as far as the room was concerned er when , when the , new houses came onto the erm , ready for occupation , er they were all cream coloured inside and anyway and pale cream so they , they 'd got er any choice they wanted there it , really it was just to match their curtains , match their carpets , all their furnishings and erm , of course I suppose they , the rose coloured ones er went better than say the lemon coloured one and that because er people just er liked the idea of moving into a place that 's got a nice cosy glow in it , place sort of thing , but we never sell any at all , there 's , none of that type of fitting in , sold now .
7 cos I 'd 've got further and further and there 's no way he was going to tell me I 'm wrong .
8 I thought they might have got here before I did . ’
9 Urges to punish those who repudiated the woman without whom they would have got nowhere and been nobody have surged in my breast .
10 must have got alright and then it 's come back .
11 They crept up the stairs but ca n't have got more than half way up when our cat , Pete , came scurrying down followed by the chopper and the lump of wood .
12 I would have thought that you could have got more than 32Kb of Upper memory from QRAM .
13 Shortly afterwards he went missing in the cauldron of the Ruhr , I only wanted to tell him he should have got more than 30 bob a piece for them .
14 It contained the massive diversity of skills , of the workers in metal , wood , textiles and ceramics without whose inherited ‘ mysteries ’ and superb ingenuity with primitive tools the inventions of the Industrial Revolution could scarcely have got further than the drawing board .
15 If he 'd stayed with us , he 'd never have got further than etchings .
16 ‘ I am pretty sure the team would have got together and sung the anthem anyway . ’
17 Some of us have to work for our living , I 'd never have got anywhere if I 'd moved at your pace ! ’
18 I do n't think you would have got anywhere if just professional people were involved . ’
19 Now my own view is is that this point in time we all do have to get together and agree .
20 And that she she looked shocked , you know , she did n't did n't know me like , and er , well she was shocked , and then I said I said , right well we 'll have to get together and sort something out about stopping with her , and Pete said straight away .
21 do n't obsess yourself with the idea that none of them ( Unionist MPs ) understand the view of the man in the street … there is plenty of soundness in the party inside the House … and , easy as it is to call everyone inside Parliamentarians , and to assume that everyone outside are the only judges … you will have to get inside before you realize the difficulties of the situation , or the value of the cool-headed men who still represent the Unionist party in the House , and remain independent of Cabinet influence …
22 Police inquiries seem to have got nowhere but they believe , as do Jim 's neighbours and friends that the killer is being shielded within the local community .
23 We were so relieved to have got away and to somewhere nice .
24 Two leaders of the Reform Circle movement , Csaba Tabajdi and Ferenc Gazso , are missing from the new line-up , while the People 's Democracy Platform , the reformists ' left-wing allies , seemed to have got more than their share of the leading places .
25 On reaching the Fish I let out a cry of triumph , overjoyed to have got there while conveniently forgetting the Verdon-like wall which lay above .
26 It 's alright , I 'll know how many you 've got anyway when you start buying them .
27 We 've got today and we 're going to be happy together .
28 I 've been coming to conference for the last fifteen years to help build the grand union which we 've got today and I 'm not gon na sit back and watch this carved up , for nobody , for nobody .
29 Well , this is very much a sandwich three days , because we 've got today and Sunday looking quite good , but a rather difficult and tense Saturday sort of tucked in between .
30 Yeah I know , you know , really to I do n't know what we 've got downstairs if any
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