Example sentences of "have go to the " in BNC.

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1 God has to go to the rescue .
2 And entertainment as fantasy is not acceptable , though I do n't think everyone has to go to the extremes of U2 or Jimmy Somerville , or whoever it is or whatever their politics .
3 NME ca n't claim to be the first off the blocks with coverage of this splenetic musical bastard — that honour has to go to the now sadly defunct Sounds .
4 BECAUSE DUDLEY MOORE is a regular human being with knobs on , midway through our interview , midway through an answer , just as he 's about to take a swig of his double decaff coffee with lemon on the side , he announces that he has to go to the toilet .
5 This means that leaders and government have to be accessible to the people ; and , given the great gulf that has opened up between them in so many modern societies , this probably means that the government has to go to the people , rather than expecting the people to come to it .
6 It 's with not knowing how one is that one has to go to the banks and so on .
7 The power lead from the transformer has to go to the keyboard first and a short lead from here connects to the PCB .
8 This note is to give you a quick update — the report still has to go to the Computer Needs Group .
9 It comes about that the merchant has to go to the fair at Bruges on his business , and while he spends part of a day before departure in his counting-house reviewing his affairs the monk meets and converses with the wife .
10 Hereford and Worcester has already voted for a similar ban , Northamptonshire 's decision only has to go to the full council , and Gloucestershire votes next week .
11 Never remove any clothes that have stuck to the skin and do not give the child anything to drink in case he or she has to go to the operating theatre .
12 Swinburne read Greek and took English metric in hand ; Rossetti brought in the Italian primitives ; Fitzgerald made the only good poem of the time that has gone to the PeoPle ; it is called , and is to a great extent , a translation or mistranslation .
13 Although most have gained , half of the total giveaway in terms of benefits and tax reductions has gone to the richest 10 per cent of households .
14 The other half , mainly schoolteachers and low-paid officials , has gone to the traditionalists led by Mr Mauroy and Mr Lionel Jospin , the minister of education .
15 As George Graham put it : ‘ The day has come when we see that the country has gone to the dogs .
16 The very small constituency of Westminster Grey Coat Hospital School has gone to the Liberal Democrats .
17 THE village shop used by Norma Major and her son has gone to the wall — the latest victim of the recession .
18 Gnat T.1 XP505 has gone to the ScM 's store at Wroughton , Wilts .
19 DAVID MELLOR has gone to the back benches nursing the belief that since he told John Major all about his expenses-paid holiday it made it okay and if life were fair none of us should have considered him out of order .
20 The evidence has gone to the DPP as part of an interim report .
21 A six-year-old row between two Paris dealers over a FFr70 million profit made from the sale of Picasso 's 1903 masterpiece ‘ La Celestine ’ has gone to the highest legal resort after the appeal court in France , the Cour de Cassation , and looks set to last at least another twelve months .
22 Ixos 's interest in NT stems from its 32-bit architecture , and Microsoft has gone to the lengths of creating a system with a sufficiently large directory to cater for both Intel Corp iAPX-86-based systems and Ixos 's archive system .
23 IBM Corp has gone to the Distributed Computing Solutions arm of General Atomics Inc , San Diego for its UniTree file and storage management software ‘ for use and distribution on the entire line of IBM computers , ’ although it seems likely that it will be confined to running under Unix for now .
24 Among the items saved was a portrait of Lord Liverpool by Sir Thomas Lawrence , which did not appear in the catalogue and which has gone to the National Portrait Gallery .
25 One of these was for a doctor who has gone to the Middlesex Hospital .
26 This is a typical problem that would come into one of our advice centres where a consumer has bought something , f failed to get any satisfaction from the shop and then has gone to the advice centre to er has found and tries to find the nearest Citizen 's Advice Bureau or Advice Centre to try to get advice .
27 And Hywel will go without a word , and when he is gone and the house is silent Elizabeth will creep to the telephone and she will pick it up and it will ring in another empty house because Dr Wyn has gone to the Fair .
28 The losses for the bottom 50% average out at nearly £8.50 per family … while the top 10% have gained nearly £40 per family … the bottom half of the population has lost £6.6 billion , of which £5.6 billion has gone to the top 10% ; indeed –4. – billion has gone to the top 5% .
29 The losses for the bottom 50% average out at nearly £8.50 per family … while the top 10% have gained nearly £40 per family … the bottom half of the population has lost £6.6 billion , of which £5.6 billion has gone to the top 10% ; indeed –4. – billion has gone to the top 5% .
30 Whereas the role of executive princess touring the troubled countries of the Third World has gone to the Princess Royal , there has lately been much written on the theme of the Princess of Wales as ‘ caring princess ’ .
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