Example sentences of "have say [that] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A cross-party parliamentary committee on agriculture , prompted by the increasing habit of farmers to bury livestock on or near farm land , has said that government funding is needed to prevent the terminal collapse of the entire economic system involving the re-use and destruction of animal carcasses .
2 Dr Dennis Cope , of UCLA , has said that Ali is a victim of ‘ Parkinson 's syndrome secondary to pugilistic brain syndrome ’ .
3 In the universities competitive bidding is to apply to all student places , although the Council has said that institutions will be protected from sudden and drastic cuts in funding as a result of unsuccessful bidding .
4 Instead it is thought Meiko will use the Fujitsu Ltd VP single-chip vector processor for floating point operations alongside the Texas Instruments Inc Viking SuperSparc for scalar operations , although Meiko has said that Cypress Semiconductor Corp 's HyperSparc will be considered once it became available ( UX No 385 ) , and that the i860 could work with the new architecture if required .
5 The division of Universities Funding Council funding will be decided in due course in consultation with all the Departments concerned , but my hon. Friend the Minister of State , Scottish Office , always a powerful advocate for Scottish interests , has said that Scotland will receive a fair share of those resources .
6 Which programme has said that Newark was closed ?
7 A government lawyer has said that charges will be filed in four or five months .
8 Nobody has said that Norwich were nt offside … so why bother telling us theyd ‘ scored ’ ?
9 John Major has said that Britain will support such a demolition ‘ if it proves necessary ’ .
10 I also find it difficult to take from somebody who has said that farmers have not done too badly .
11 ‘ Kenneth Clarke has said that nursery education is not a priority and commitment to a nursery place for every three and four-year-old is a mistake .
12 Kenneth Clarke has said that nursery education is not a priority and commitment to a nursery place for every three and four-year-old is a mistake .
13 Macari will bring at least two of his Stoke City backroom staff to Parkhead , but he has said that Frank Connor will be retained .
14 In a clamp-down on crime , the Home Secretary has said that offenders cautioned by police should not expect to be given a second chance .
15 The Independent Broadcasting Authority has said that groups can team up as long as they have no more than 25 per cent of the total independent television advertising market .
16 The party 's policy review has said that Muslims and other minority religious groups should be entitled to voluntary-aided schools ( for which nearly all the costs come from public funds ) provided they follow the national curriculum .
17 Let us suppose that an acquaintance has said that Smith acted wrongly in telling a fairly minor lie in order to promote his career , and suppose that a little later he himself tells a fairly minor lie in order to promote his career .
18 Pol Pot has said that animals are an important part of Cambodia 's heritage and must be protected .
19 Michael Heseltine , secretary of state for the environment , has said that implementation and enforcement of EC legislation will be ‘ very much in the front ’ of environmental issues dealt with during the UK 's EC presidency .
20 It has said that Article 10 should not be seen as requiring a " balance " between , on the one hand , the value of freedom of expression and , on the other , the value of national security , crime prevention and the other exceptions in Article 10(2) .
21 Sudan 's leader , Lt-Gen Omar Hassan al-Bashir , has said that defeat of the SPLA in the south is ‘ imminent ’ , and that rebels ‘ have begun to flee en masse even before the successful attack by government troops ’ .
22 The statement , issued by Downing Street , stated : ‘ The president of the commission has said that commission negotiators should re-engage , without delay , in negotiations with the United States in order to resolve the oil seeds dispute and the Gatt Uruguay round in a balanced way . ’
23 The statement said : ‘ The president of the commission has said that commission negotiators should re-engage , without delay , in negotiations with the United States in order to resolve the oil seeds dispute and the Gatt Uruguay round in a balanced way . ’
24 WITHOUT going as far as opponents Ford , Vauxhall has said that airbags will be available as standard or as an option on most of its cars for 1994 .
25 A FORMER mayor of Craigavon has said that security in Northern Ireland needs to be stepped up .
26 ‘ The Home Office has said that visitor centres will be included in the construction plans for all new prisons , ’ says Diana Ruthven of the Prison Reform Trust .
27 However , when this is accepted one has to say that Marx 's humanitarianism is a flawed humanitarianism .
28 David had been right when he 'd said that Rachel knew the whereabouts of Brooklands , for she had been there with her parents and her sister shortly after David and Jennifer 's engagement had been announced .
29 But then should I also have said that Oliver rang up the next day and asked if I 'd liked them ?
30 They 'd all have laughed , even Mr Blakey , and then quite abruptly Mrs Blakey would have said that Timothy Gedge deserved to be birched .
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