Example sentences of "have do [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 His ideas are all he has to do it with .
2 The first time he 'd done it with a boy , he 'd been ashamed .
3 It 's ridiculous , she thought angrily ; he can bring tears to my eyes just by making me remember the simple things , like the way he reached out and unlocked the seatbelt for me — he 'd done it with one fluid gesture , no fumbling with it — how he had flung his jacket on to the back seat with the same faultless grace , how he 'd sauntered round the back of the car with a bemused smile when he 'd winkled it into a tight spot .
4 She 'd done it with Scott .
5 Yeah , but unless she 'd done it with him she would n't be panicking that much !
6 If only he could have done it with the Palace !
7 I 'd have done it with minimalist technology ; say , beans swelling in water and lifting a diaphragm and bare wire to a contact for the time-fuse .
8 ‘ But I like to think that if I did n't do it , someone else would have done it with a lot less taste and love for the countryside . ’
9 I 'd have done it with an aeroplane but
10 It is also the budget that has taken notice of what the opposition have actually said we listened to you we have not persevered with our original thinking , we 've talked to the officers , we 've listened to what you 've said , we may not have done it with the greatest grace possible but .
11 My reason for not having done it myself and my father 's reasons for not having done it with the National Gallery is that , in the case of Yale , I 'm looking forward to the day when there 'll be other people interested in English art who will give paintings or money to the Center for British Art just because it is the Center for British Art , where they would n't do it if it was the Paul Mellon Center for British Art .
12 But we 'll have to do it with cold water and the yard broom . ’
13 How many do I have to do it with ?
14 which hand do I have to do it with ?
15 why do you have do it with that one ?
16 to have to do it with your job ?
17 And I 've done it with the same manager — Harry Bassett . ’
18 Yes , I 've done the mandate workshop , yes , and I 've done it with other groups too .
19 I 've done it with other women .
20 I 've done it with D R DOS Six , which is much more complicated .
21 would also recognise that we 've done it with her not purely and simply just because we 've been down .
22 and you put the cluster of wool in it and pull it back and it 's like little bobbles of wool and er I 've got a beige and a brown I 've done it with it will look nice you know , it will come right here , it 's a beautiful rug , quite nice , so I 've been busy and I make coat hangers
23 Have you noticed I 've done it with Loving Care ?
24 They 've done it with real people ?
25 so they 've done it with nine then eh ?
26 He had done it with consummate aplomb .
27 The truth was that the two women between them had raised the nine million dollars needed to make The Dawn of Dreams , and they had done it with such consummate feminine grace that the handsome , silver-haired head of the family did not quite understand that his title of producer was merely honorary .
28 The murderer had done it with his bare hands .
29 The priest had done it with orders for the pile of stones to be pulled down .
30 Somehow a favourite dress or toy of Paige 's would be damaged , but she had done it with such guile that her parents could never be sure it was intentional .
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