Example sentences of "have do [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Aside from his kicking , Ellwood , the player who has done most to transform the Irish season , has shown that he can also break .
2 Even France , the EC country that has done most to block progress on the Uruguay round , now at least seems willing to discuss specifics .
3 It is a cruel irony that the man who has done most to reform the party and its policies , taking it to within a whisker of power , should be blamed for its failure to make the final leap to power .
4 The rise of public concern about the environment has done most to hasten a realisation among Conservatives that Thatcherism has its limitations .
5 Mark Gribble ( Talkback , January ) has done well to breed Neon Tetras in his community tank .
6 Considering that closure for Deepcar station came as early as 1959 , the lavatory sign has done well to survive .
7 St Ives , exposed as it is to the advertising cycle through the production of magazines , has done well to achieve profits stability after a sharp fall from £29.1m in 1989/90 .
8 The Labour party first committed itself to abolition of the House of Lords in 1910 , yet it has done less to diminish the power of hereditary peers than either the Liberals or Conservatives .
9 As we know , sports personalities are becoming ever more surely our national heroes , our gods with feet of clay in platform-sole Pumas , our great mates who do what we do only better ; and no one has done more to turn Britain into this nation of Leisuretown citizens than Christie .
10 Through The Prince 's Trust and other charities , he has done more to improve their quality of life , particularly the disadvantaged , than almost any other public figure .
11 No philosopher has done more to disown the idea that his writings embody some kind of masterly or authoritative wisdom .
12 In reality Jason has done more to keep Britain 's spirits up during these recessionary times than any Whitehall bureaucrat and raised more for charity than our greedy captains of industry .
13 This could have frightening implications , both political and economic , for Germany , which has done more to try to help Russia than any other European state , providing $40 billion in loans , half her external debt , and for the Eastern European countries which are still struggling to convert to a market economy .
14 No one has done more to advance the frontiers of medicine than the Scots , yet the Opposition oppose any sort of change .
15 Moreover , Le Pen 's party , despite a professed desire to rejuvenate French politics , has done more to make it absurd than any other , quite apart from the base populist ideas which it propagates .
16 ‘ Cardinal Stuart , ’ wrote the British minister in Florence to Horace Walpole , ‘ by putting on the cowle [ i.e. cardinal 's hat ] has done more to extinguish his party than would have been effected by putting to death many thousand of deluded followers . ’
17 But it is no surprise that one of the men who has done least to promote peace is Mr Hussein .
18 The pair , running for Liverpool , outclassed the rest of the field , with Dawn running five seconds better than she has done before to record 4 minutes 34.9 seconds and Clare clocking 4–36.6 an improvement of 14 seconds on her previous best .
19 Californian neuroscientist John Lilly may have done most to bring Ketamine to our attention .
20 His parents might have done well to remember the ancient adage , ‘ Those whom the gods love die young ’ .
21 A small print shop , working on other jobs at the same time , would have done well to complete the Fairy Queen edition in under a month : and during printing , work in the theatre carried on apace .
22 This was there the captain would have done well to change the plan .
23 As the wood is an 8,000-year-old oak wood only eight miles from the centre of London on a site of special scientific interest , could not the Department have done more to insist that the important new road going close to my constituency was cut-and-cover ?
24 It is worth mentioning , however , that one of the emerging conclusions of the Welsh Affairs Committee inquiry ( though it is still early days ) is that CPRW could and should have done more to alert the Welsh Office to departures from planning policy and should have created more of a public stink over such abuses .
25 Few men can have done more to relieve human suffering , or shown less interest in profiting from the process .
26 Allen could not have done more to justify his £275,000 fee .
27 In particular , we could have done more to use private investment in the road-building programme .
28 Do you think though , perhaps you could have done more to keep them in the Party ?
29 Other villagers claimed the local council could have done more to help :
30 ‘ Even if he had desired it , he could scarcely have done more to ensure that the Khans would support Nogai 's will . ’
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