Example sentences of "have not [art] [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 The return to my house is strained by the thought that he still has not the faintest idea where he is going .
2 Although Mr Melding , a first-time candidate , has not the faintest chance of winning , he is reluctant to dwell gloomily on the fact .
3 If you then say , ah well it might expand to double that number or to five thousand , as was postulated , that then begs an even larger question , because in my submission you would then go back and revisit the alternatives of , for example , should you expand Tadcaster , which has not the best facilities in its town centre , er to quote but one example of er viability and sustainability of towns .
4 Every golfer in the world experiences that awful feeling of helplessness when he stands over a putt and knows that he has not the slightest chance of getting the ball near the hole , let alone into it .
5 The hon. Gentleman is really behaving disgracefully — — when he accuses British Rail of negligence before an inquiry has even begun , and when he has not the slightest idea of what caused that accident .
6 However , one has not the slightest doubt that the moving spirits behind the coaches ' gathering will have been England 's Geoff Cooke and Australia 's Bob Dwyer .
7 Another past champion graphically described this as the moment when the golfer blacks out and has n't the remotest idea that he is holding a putter at all .
8 Is in the top 5 per cent of UK managers , but has n't the faintest idea how good she is .
9 He simply replies that he has n't the faintest idea .
10 He has n't the faintest idea of how things really stand . ’
11 You 're just an ignorant little squirt who has n't the foggiest idea what you 're talking about ! ’
12 Her escorts pay when she goes out to restaurants or parties , so Pickles has n't the foggiest idea about money .
13 You 've got this superior idea that I 'm some sort of half-wit from the back of beyond who has n't the vaguest notion of what happens in the big , bad world .
14 She has n't the slightest interest in Monpazier .
15 This place has n't the happiest of associations for me . ’
16 The person I had seen could have not the slightest interest in a beat-up old poet like me .
17 He seemed to have not the slightest interest in what she was saying .
18 ‘ Naylor ! ’ she sighed again in the utmost rapture , and , clutching him , had not the smallest demur to make when he removed her bra and began to caress the swollen mounds of her pink-tipped breasts .
19 The Lost Leader , of course , had not the remotest interest in sport , although she is said to look back wistfully to those distant Lincolnshire days when she would clasp the hand of Alderman Roberts as together they watched the bear-baiting .
20 Their general demeanour was like that of elderly clubmen determined that it should be clearly understood that they were men of the world , fully alive to all the tricks of your Tom , Dick and Harry ; yet their actual questions and comments revealed that they had not the remotest notion what sort of a world it was that these East End people they were listening to actually lived in , or how to evaluate their characters and the plausibility of what they said .
21 While Brunner naturally had not the remotest intention of supporting anything of this kind , his concern for his own kind of natural theology seemed to Barth to be wholly without adequate defences against it .
22 Because she had not the faintest idea what she would do if she were right .
23 Mungo nodded , though he had not the faintest idea what she was talking about .
24 It would not be eaten — she had not the faintest illusion of that — but it would be looked on and smiled over and would bring back happy memories and it was all she could think of to signify her reborn affection .
25 The financial side was something of a problem to Winnie , who had not the faintest idea what should be charged .
26 She had not the faintest notion .
27 Grunte had not the faintest idea whether she had been or not , but the invitation seemed genuine enough .
28 Yet when he set off on 20 September 1519 , with a royal mandate to search for a passage through to the Mar del Sur , and thus to determine for certain that the Spice Islands were within the Spanish domains , he had not the foggiest notion how far he might have to travel .
29 Third , of course , Mr Reagan ( like other presidents before him ) had not the slightest thought that Mr Gorbachev might actually do what he asked .
30 I went to Croke Park and I had not the slightest interest in Protestantism but I did come from a Fermanagh family where you did live cheek by jowl with republicanism so I had imbibed it undoubtedly and it resurfaced , the inherited knowledge of the heart of the controversy in Ulster .
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