Example sentences of "have to [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 It 's very hard work for her er you know she has to sort of get a get all the systems She has to you know it 's it 's very hard work to get the systems going .
2 One does n't want them to sort of follow it blindly , of course , one wants them to discuss it carefully , very carefully , but it has to sort of fit into the ongoing life of the institution and not be a kind of little game that someone is playing on their own somewhere because they happen to be linked with the university or doing a degree or something .
3 And it was all in a bunch , so I 've had to sort of unhook it .
4 I mean why do people have to kind of , if , if , if we accept for a minute that there 's something in this analogy , this model that Freud is talking about , why do people have this compulsive need to repeat like this , why do they have to repeat history ?
5 Yes I think that 's something we would have to kind of balance up is , is that kind of making
6 Did he have to kind of sort of did he look on that as a profession to do beside the farming or did he
7 Cycle parking is actually I wish they 'd actually pay a bit more places to actually put your bike and you did n't have to sort of tie it up to some lamppost or something
8 I mean we 'll , we 'll obviously have to sort of keep a , keep an eye on all this all the way through
9 Yeah yeah well it sounds sounds as though it 's possible you know you may have to I mean in the end you might have to sort of compromise it and actually do this valuation thing .
10 Okay so we You 're really gon na have to sort of do
11 Yes it 's not erm you do have to sort of take your sock and shoe off , but only of one foot .
12 Well that 's something we would obviously have to sort of , I mean maybe it 's something where you know I mean with the
13 spend five minutes now , than you 'll have to sort of come in again .
14 We 'll have to , you 'll have to sort of sound it out and see how it works
15 You just if it 's cold you 'll have to sort of stop for breaks and , so you can get warm wo n't ya ?
16 Erm mm , I do n't know whether there 's any way round it but that 's sort of the set up that they gave us when we started and I guess I 'll have to sort of conform to that , but it
17 But you do n't like to because of the fact you know he 'll be erm sort of lugging it around and you 'd feel you 'd actually have to sort of hurry him up would n't you ?
18 and you 'd feel you 'd actually have to sort of hurry him up would n't you , you know hurry up because
19 I could n't point you in the right direction immediately you 'd have to sort of
20 You wo n't do it like that , you 'll have to sort of
21 we do n't have to sort of , ai n't got ta take really too much muck
22 narrow foot yeah it 's like you do n't have to sort of ones our Adie got is the best
23 No , I 'd have to sort of wash it a little bit so I
24 Looks like you 'll have to sort of like put it up for a day and then take it down for a week and put it back in again .
25 You know , you 'll have to sort of be on your best behaviour !
26 looking at the water , I think you would have to sort of climb up over the rails to fall in would n't you ?
27 I 've just got ta have to sort of make it up .
28 Do n't have to sort of spread them out like that you should toes
29 The need to make it clear so that people understand without having to sort of keep coming back and asking again and again , yep , great , thanks .
30 Is the industry having to sort of look at itself and say ‘ hey , we 've got to do something because if we do n't we wo n't be here ’ ?
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