Example sentences of "have be down [art] " in BNC.

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1 In marriages in which only one of the partners has been down the aisle before , the number of divorces has jumped 67 per cent since 1980 .
2 What should the post-Christian then hold of the religion that there has been down the ages ?
3 We went there on Sunday , me and Bella , after we 'd been down the prom . ’
4 I 'd been down the prom on my bike , and was riding up the posh part to our street .
5 I remember one time er these barges , old barges when you used to come up there , they ai n't got any engine in 'em at all because now they got motors in 'em , but erm , at that time , I was asleep one night and er these barges had been up , they 'd been down the the engine room , cos the engine room and the stoke hall was all in one and th and then I was so sound asleep they 'd filled the sacks up with coal and took them up over the and took the only thing they did do they did n't take the shovel they 'd used , cos they bought their shovel from off the barge and they left that downhill that 's how they 'd pinched the coal .
6 The others went in the car and when I arrived on the bike a little later they 'd been down the 51 steps to the house and found it like the Marie Celeste , everything open , radio playing but no-one around .
7 And they 'd been down the Lake District , they were from the Lake district .
8 Otherwise he 'd have been down the line after us like a shot .
9 None of the five Moroccans had been down the Nfis and verbal information gleaned had been contradictory .
10 At least I do n't mean that — not a good show for you , I know — but frankly when you 've been down a long time it is a good show to see someone from home and get all the news .
11 ‘ How long since you 've been down the kennels ? ’ asked Constance .
12 I said that 's fuck all right I 've been down the canteen .
13 He 's been down the railway station today !
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