Example sentences of "have be in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Carlo and McGowan stood on either side of the embalmer , he might 've been in custody .
2 Another significant change in carp fishing technique has been in surface fishing .
3 The material , manufactured by General Atomics about 10 years ago , has been in storage with the Department of Energy ( DOE ) .
4 Only the skylit fifth floor opens permanently on 19 February with an expanded sampling of the museum 's contemporary collection , much of which has been in storage for years , and with a long-term installation of a promised gift of twenty-seven works by American abstract artist Leon Polk Smith ( b. 1906 ) .
5 Also joining IHM is the one-off prototype Westland 30–300 G–HAUL , which has been in storage at Westland 's Yeovil factory since the Ministry of Defence cancelled it in favour of the larger EH–101 .
6 But , if the wife has been in receipt of the advice of a stranger whom the creditor believes on reasonable grounds to be competent , independent and disinterested , then the circumstances would need to be very exceptional before the creditor could be held bound by any equity which otherwise might arise from the husband 's conduct and his wife 's actual failure to understand the transaction …
7 Anyone who has been in receipt of this form of grant aid from the Sports Council has already received guidance notes and application forms direct from that Council .
8 And so the incredible growth of government throughout this century has been in response to all kinds of problems : economic insecurity , unemployment , declining industries , poverty , natural monopolies , external costs , pollution , inflation .
9 In Germany the nature of the educational system has been in tune with both the needs of industry and prevailing social values [ Locke , 1984 ] .
10 Tish Reid , who has been in disagreement with the women 's squad chief coach , will attempt to make her point from 374th place .
11 Pakistan has been in upheaval since May 26th , when the Supreme Court overturned President Ishaq 's dismissal of the government and gave Mr Sharif his job back .
12 It is actively seeking to extend its network : currently it has been in discussion with firms in Austria , Greece , Italy , Spain and South Africa .
13 Dr Kumar has been in discussion with his former employers British Steel , who he says have been ‘ very sympathetic ’ .
14 In recent weeks there have been reports that the travel/holiday business has been in disarray .
15 Service and high technology industries and new small businesses are concentrated in the South , whereas the traditional industrial base of the North has been in manufacturing .
16 From an early age Haflor Ferdinandson has been in love with 4WD vehicles .
17 I think anyone who has been in love will like this movie .
18 ‘ As for Harry — he has been in love before .
19 The second change has been in share prices themselves : in the 1980s they soared .
20 I hope that 4771 Green Arrow is allowed to go to the Great Central at Loughborough , because at the end of August 1992 , it is 30 years that 4771 has been in preservation , and one of her last runs with British Railway 's , was on the Great Central .
21 Kate Spencer-Nairn has been in wheelchair for eight years since her treatment at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford.In a High Court damages case against Oxfordshire Health Authority , she 's claimed that her spine was n't properly shielded during radiation treatment for Hodgkin 's Disease .
22 A hardy , naturally polled breed of a type which has been in southwest Scotland for centuries , the Galloway is capable of growing a thick , shaggy coat of long , rain-shedding hairs over its thick , soft , mossy undercoat to protect itself in the cold , damp climate of the region .
23 We estimate the cost of this campaign so far has been in excess of £20,000 .
24 Term Characteristic Six months Part II of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 does not apply to a tenancy for a term of years certain not exceeding six months unless : ( 1 ) it contains provision for renewing the term or extending it beyond six months from its beginning ; or ( 2 ) the tenant has been in occupation for a period which , together with any period during which any predecessor in his business was in occupation , exceeds twelve months ( Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s43(3) ) .
25 1.5 Rent commencement Date the day of The rent commencement date will not always be the date of the lease , eg where there is a rent free period or where the tenant has been in occupation of the premises prior to the date of the lease and is to pay rent from the date of occupation .
26 But it is the language of the statement and the comments attributed to Edwards that are likely to cause further friction between him and both local climbers — with whom he has been in conflict in the past — and the BMC .
27 This series , with accompanying maps , was started in 1950 ( and has been in revision since 1970 ) .
28 The accruals method has been in development for over three years , and was triggered by the takeover of Pearl by AMP on a price/ earnings ratio of 9.6 times earnings calculated under an embedded value method .
29 Based largely on Michels 's study of trade union organizations , the model supposes that once any radical organization has grown to the size where it needs to delegate responsibility to professional organizers , and once it has been in existence long enough to produce a complex bureaucracy , then the original radical thrust is lost as the professionals redirect the organization to serve their own ends .
30 The blast has led to concern that the bank might be forced to decamp to another set of temporary premises — its third resting place in the 18 months it has been in existence — although this now seems unlikely .
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