Example sentences of "have be make [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Elsewhere reference has been made to the difference between Spanish style and flamenco style ( see page 59 ) which belongs to the Spanish gipsies from whom has also developed what is known as gipsy character dance .
2 Berle told Roosevelt in his official report on the conference that despite its failure to decide the main issue ( for which he blamed Swinton and Beaverbrook ) , a great deal had been achieved , and positions were made known : ‘ A substantial beginning has been made to opening the air for commerce .
3 In order to explain why offences of violence are regarded so seriously , reference has been made to the value a of privacy and physical integrity .
4 We would advise that the policy has therefore been cancelled and a full refund of premiums for 1991 has been made to your mortgage account . ’
5 Quantifying compensation may be complicated if an ex gratia payment has been made to you .
6 Previous reference has been made to the slowly increasing proportion of graduates entering the Division , and it is interesting to note that in 1984 of all members achieving corporate membership of the RICS , 65.6% did so by exempting degree or diploma courses , but of building surveyors only 51.1% joined the Division by this method , the lowest proportion of the three main Divisions .
7 To remedy this , a proposal has been made to the NUS that would make crèche facilities in different universities more similar .
8 An application has been made to the Charity Commissioners for the Bradford Atea Project to be given registered charity status and the association has set itself a target of raising £20,000 during the next 12 months .
9 One area of television where frequent reference has been made to homosexuality is in the arts programmes .
10 no alteration , modification or addition has been made to the Licensed Software without 's prior written consent
11 In the present paper no reference has been made to teaching strategies , teaching materials , bibliographies , equipment and software or other necessary support .
12 The Committee felt that it was their duty to state that in their opinion , before the whole building was completely furnished and every necessary article provided , the total deficiency would not amount to less than £1,000 ‘ Many opulent individuals of the County have hitherto withheld their contributions ; but application by letter has been made to them all ; and no doubt can be entertained by your Committee of their ultimate assistance and support .
13 Would it be the , the will of the general assembly that we take a vote on the amendment that has been , the addendum that has been made to number two at this stage ?
14 These are two of a very large number of similar actions brought by various banks against various local authorities , in respect of which a lead action order has been made to which I refer below .
15 Frequent reference has been made to a vote being taken and for a majority of meetings this will be by a show of hands for and against the motion , the Hon.
16 However the reference has been made to the characteristics of that boundary , and although the authorities would prefer the characteristics of the one which they now propose , they do not say that the characteristics of the tight boundary are ones which are unacceptable .
17 Reference has been made to the .
18 Reference has been made to the complexity of policy .
19 I am writing to let you know that an appeal has been made to the Secretary of State in respect of the above site .
20 ( 3 ) The Building ( Scotland ) Act 1959 defines " warrant " as meaning a warrant under s.6 of the Act , including ( in the case of a warrant which has been granted ) any conditions to which it is subject , and any amendment which has been made to it .
21 ( 1 ) A licensing board shall not refuse to grant a licence under this Part of this Act except under subsection ( 2 ) below or on one or more of the following grounds : ( a ) that the applicant is disqualified by or under this or any other enactment for holding a licence or is in other respects not a fit and proper person to hold a licence under this Part of this Act ; or ( b ) that the premises to which an application relates are not fit and convenient for the purposes of the canteen ; or ( c ) in a case where objection has been made to the situation of the canteen , on the ground specified in the objection ; or ( d ) that the applicant or body providing the canteen has entered into an agreement limiting the sources from which the alcoholic liquor or the mineral waters to be sold in the canteen may be obtained ; but nothing in this subsection shall prevent a licensing board from specifying in the licence granted by it the types of liquor ( including if the board thinks fit types of liquor other than those in respect of which the application for the licence was made ) which may be sold under the licence , and the holder of the licence or his employee or agent shall be guilty of an offence , if he sells alcoholic liquor of a type other than that specified in the licence .
22 ( c ) Where objection has been made to the situation of the canteen , it may be sustained and the application refused on that ground .
23 ( 2 ) The permitted hours for premises in respect of which a public house licence or a refreshment licence is in force shall be the period between eleven in the morning and half-past two in the afternoon and the period between five and eleven in the evening , except for Sundays when the permitted hours shall be the period between half-past twelve and half-past two in the afternoon and the period between half-past six and eleven in the evening but only in the case of premises in respect of which an application for Sunday opening has been made to and granted by a licensing board in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 4 to this Act , which shall have effect .
24 The reason being that probably for the last 50 years the sewers have been provided free : they have outlived any associated loans and so no charge has been made to the revenue accounts .
25 Table 2 shows for Lothian how the target breaks down by age group and what progress has been made to date .
26 A submission has been made to the Minister for Social Welfare for inclusion in the Act .
27 An approach has been made to the Salop Steam Engine Society with regard to space for an Exhibition by BCRS at the Show to be held at Bishop 's Castle on 27 and 28 August 1989 .
28 After 13 years , it is an absolute disgrace that no input has been made to tackling unemployment .
29 No satisfactory response has been made to that research .
30 The environmental impact assessment prepared for the Bill is an example of the latter type as no reference has been made to the NRA or to the environmental health department of Cardiff city council .
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