Example sentences of "have be in the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You do n't have to tell me , ’ Gaily said , ‘ that all the clothes either of us has are in the bag or on our backs . ’
2 I do n't think Father has been in the kitchen in his life .
3 Perhaps the nearest the British have got to a building like this has been in the pages of The Eagle .
4 One is that he has been in the ring with Michael Gerard Tyson .
5 The deal is a boost for the BTG , the future of which has been in the balance since the middle of last year .
6 All this , I say , giving my gloss , can be read — and more particularly seen and heard , since Heseltine 's manner and presence carry their own conviction — as the utterance of a man demonstrating that he has been in the wilderness longer than it is in anyone 's interest .
7 Saatchi has been in the doldrums since late 1987 .
8 IT HAS BEEN in the air for months : Charles Saatchi , according to New York 's uniquely garrulous and paranoid clan of dealers and artists , is selling , and he is selling in a big way .
9 The most remarkable extension of central control has been in the field of local government .
10 The biggest decline has been in the 1.3 to two-litre sector .
11 She has been in the hat business since 1982 but a devotee for far longer .
12 Lazano , who has been in the force five years , will be sentenced on January 24 .
13 Lazano , who has been in the force five years , will be sentenced on January 24 .
14 Mr Alan Thomas , who has been in the service for 28 years , took a motor-cyclist with leg injuries to Charing Cross Hospital after an accident in Kensington .
15 This takes a look at where the game has been in the Eighties and where it might be going in future .
16 The market has been in the doldrums in the wake of the suppression of the pro-democracy movement in China this summer and a decision by an arm of the Chinese Government to make an investment of the size being planned by CITIC is likely to have a considerable impact .
17 Studies of rape in England and Wales suggest that two-thirds of rapes take place in the home of the victim or the offender , and that only one-third involve strangers ; that two-fifths of victims suffer physical violence as well as rape , and one-sixth suffer additional sexual indignities ; that recent years have seen an increase in the reporting of rapes between acquaintances , and that rapes are increasing a little in their intrinsic seriousness ( i.e. in terms of the violence used , other sexual acts , etc ) , but that the most significant rise has been in the average length of sentences imposed on rapists by the courts .
18 A movie version of Morrison 's life has been in the works for more than a decade , with male stars from John Travolta to Jason Donovan coveting the lead role and a string of scriptwriters , directors and producers slated for involvement at different times .
19 That is how it has been in the past , we have never been friends , and perhaps it has been altogether my fault .
20 Leaving aside positions like the Earl Marshal , which is largely concerned with organizing coronations and state funerals , and has been in the Duke of Norfolk 's family since 1672 , the court is knitted together by blood and marriage .
21 The most systematic use of this sort of approach has been in the study of the coinage of the last century of the Roman Republic .
22 ‘ This place has been in the same family for over a hundred years , and it was going strong before that time .
23 LM It is very easy in the kind of society Czechoslovakia has been in the past twenty years to lose a more general perspective on events .
24 The NPC ended its annual session yesterday by passing all laws and reports put before it , but dissent was far greater than it has been in the years following the 1989 crackdown in Peking , which Li played a leading role in .
25 Ben has been in the home since the beginning of the year when , while appearing as the Sheriff of Nottingham in a panto in Whitchurch , he was taken ill in his digs .
26 The purpose of these games has been in the main to do with releasing energy and reducing inhibitions or achieving group cohesion .
27 The only way in which she has made any reference to what happened during the night has been in the form of two pictures .
28 And it has been in the nature of documentary television to also exploit the subject of mental handicap in a sensational fashion .
29 They can now say that some of it has been in the ground for more than a million years .
30 The numbers unemployed and in education rose but a bigger change has been in the numbers on the Youth Training Scheme which was set up in 1983 .
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