Example sentences of "have put in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Post-war cultural relativism and egalitarianism has put in jeopardy France 's very capacity to produce such an aristocracy of the spirit .
2 Does my right hon. Friend agree that one of the best hopes for the future of south Wales is completion of the Cardiff Bay Barrage Bill , which opposition from so many Labour Members has put in jeopardy ?
3 The French government has put in £200m of new capital and a further £330m has come from Banque Nationale de Paris .
4 I would like to emphasize that erm the Greater York authorities have n't lightly arrived at erm the strategy for a new settlement , er we have been driven to it by a very careful examination of the development possibilities , firstly around the edge of York , and secondly around the various villages , we know these areas erm intimately from our day to day planning work , and on two occasions , once in connection with the Greater York study , and secondly in connection with drawing detailed greenbelt boundaries we have tramped around the edges of all these settlements and looked very carefully at the possibilities for development , erm the possibilities have been taken up in the development equation , which the County Council has put in front of you , which does still include er some development around villages and around the edge of the city without harming greenbelt , but we do n't really think we can go much further , and that 's what has driven us to the conclusion that er a new settlement must play a part in the longer term development equation for Greater York .
5 He is fully aware of the dangers , but has put in years of preparation .
6 Bull has put in place some restrictions on which employees can accept the offer , in order to avoid the risk of losing the youngest and most talented staff , a problem experienced at other manufacturers such as IBM Corp .
7 Does he accept that it is largely due to the regulatory framework that he has put in place that the activities of , for example , the Aylesbury Group have now been accepted for the investors compensation scheme ?
8 The European Community has put in place a range of measures which are capable over a period of time of leading to a solution .
9 MIT has reduced its weightings in the US in favour of the UK and Europe , and has put in place a £20 million loan facility for investment in European bonds .
10 Erm , the scheme itself is one which is very much in mind with er , various policies that you 've had put in front of you , in terms of er , provision er , for this type of scheme for people with learning disabilities .
11 But when is he going to give an ounce of credit to the Government for having set up the TECs , for having put in place the instrument of the training revolution that is now taking place in this country , and for having taken the most imaginative step that we have ever seen in our training history ?
12 Seagram of Canada and France 's Pernod-Ricard are understood to have put in bids for the Whitbread business .
13 Tonight , we had to put in order
14 well I expect if it was a church school they had to put in appearance odd times .
15 Blevins Barricune , the ex-Op Duroc had put in charge of the city limits , came through on the intercom .
16 His long gaunt bony head lay heavily upon the white lace-fringed pillow which Moxie had put in place , the flesh of his thin forearms , emerging from spotlessly clean pyjamas , was like wax .
17 On May 4th , before a meeting of the Council of the Americas , he said that the only way he could build support for a system of open trade was to apply the laws that Congress had put in place , and to hold America 's partners to agreements they have made .
18 In common with other supply-side enthusiasts , he was convinced that sundry federal agencies had put in place a web of unnecessarily restrictive regulations that distorted market forces and inhibited the spirit of free enterprise .
19 What I confirmed in answer to the question to which the hon. Gentleman has referred was that we had put in place measures to deal with the problems arising from repossession .
20 BP Nutrition 's replacement cost operating profit of £xx million was up by £39 million compared with 1991 , thanks to the measures it had put in place to improve performance and its progress in focusing on key activities .
21 Within two years the new Labour government found it necessary to appoint a Royal Commission to investigate the arrangements the Conservatives had put in place , and review the organisation of the NHS once more .
22 Within a matter of weeks he had put in place a constituent procedure entirely different from the parliamentary procedure of 1945 – 46 .
23 Unemployment was a problem right across Europe , he said , and the Government had put in place a comprehensive system of training and employment schemes ‘ unmatched in the history of this country ’ .
24 Every invasion attempt so far had foundered on France 's naval weakness , but after the end of the Seven Years War in 1763 de Choiseul had put in hand a whole series of reforms .
25 In his vain way , he placed the same faith in jungles that earlier whites had put in cathedrals or steam ships .
26 Lord Rawdon felt no one should be arrested for owing less than £20 , as it was when George I came to the throne ; that a creditor should pay the debtor he had put in prison 4s 8d a week ; and the warden of The Fleet and the marshal of the King 's Bench Prison ( who made around £3,000 a year out of fees ) should be compensated if the rules were abolished which allowed them their fees .
27 But , my dad told me , you know , they 've put in air conditioning .
28 I 've put in stuff for her from all over , and she always thanks me , not like she was paying me at all .
29 I 've put in act four , scene five .
30 I do n't know what , do you have any thing that you have to put in place if you do n't do
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