Example sentences of "have give [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Patrick has given orders for it to be strengthened further , at Edward 's expense .
2 She has given orders for no one to disturb her .
3 Since that date , though , the Home Responsibilities Protection scheme has given credits for years spent away from regular paid work .
4 and approximately how many sites would you have given estimates for between eighty three and eighty eight ? approximate number
5 Under the new law , promulgated by Biya on Dec. 19 , the authorities would have to give reasons for refusing an application , and registered parties would receive state support during election campaigns .
6 eighty obviously I 'm not tying you to a figure we just want to get some idea , so seventy , eighty or ninety as maybe , about eighty schemes over five years you 've given estimates for
7 In any case , he was relieved to learn , on 22 August , that Eisenhower had given orders for the French 2nd Armoured Division , commanded by General Leclerc , to head for Paris .
8 LHB have given timetables for Medical Referrals of 5 working days from receipt of referral for an employee to be seen by an Occupational Health Nurse and 10 working days for an Occupational Health Physician .
9 I have given thanks for the brave and selfless work done by many British men and women who face dangerous circumstances every day .
10 Where a fairly lengthy list of ingredients is involved , and a little more time , and where the recipe will free , e , we have given recipes for four portions .
11 ( 1976 ) have given expressions for the stiffness tensors for various fibre orientations using a different formalism from ours in which orientation functions and are used and the various integrals in sines and cosines expressed in terms of these .
12 We have to give thanks for the magnificent giving to the Camphill Project .
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