Example sentences of "have no [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 The Government has no little interest in this as the negative food trade gap is about £5.7 billion .
2 The Witt 's only rival in size , the Marburg Fotoarchiv in Germany , has no such funding problems .
3 But a native-speaker of English teaching EFL in this country has no such position .
4 Retributivism has no such problem , since it follows automatically from the retributive principle that it must be wrong to punish non-offenders .
5 If he has no such evidence , does he think that the introduction of Sunday trading in Britain is likely to cause the kind of social and moral breakdown that has been suggested by some advocates of restrictions ?
6 By contrast , a computer has no such knowledge .
7 The child has no such concept .
8 Mr Howe has no such reassurance , particularly with Gallacher absent for five games and no immediate sign of a return .
9 But whereas in M Butterfly the theatrical flash and illusion is entirely implicated in the theme of the representation and misrecognition of one culture by another , in The Royal Hunt of the Sun , at least in this revival , it has no such purpose .
10 One , initiated by DNA damage , absolutely requires the product of the p53 gene ; the other ; initiated by glucocorticoids , calcium ionophores or ageing , has no such requirement .
11 Would she encourage an increase in the twenty per cent who actually employ specialists for particular subjects er to do so as a priority in religious education where the teacher has no such sympathy .
12 Mr Clinton has no such man .
13 Labour has no such discord , its theme having been specially written by Michael Kamen .
14 Oxyhaemoglobin has a high affinity for NO and scavenges it from extracellular media ; methaemoglobin has no such action .
15 Britain has no such rule .
16 Indeed in such a lawsuit it is the duty of the local authority to prove that they have the power rather than the person who challenges the action to prove that the local authority has no such power .
17 The House of Lords has no such power .
18 Later Marx was to argue that the slave is in a sense less badly off than the ‘ free ’ labourer because the slave master has an interest in the health and welfare of the slave , since he owns him , but the capitalist has no such interest in his workers .
19 he has no such claim and the person to whom the livestock belongs claims it .
20 It has no such claim on me , being without humanity .
21 She assures him she has no such thing ; he enters the tower to look for a foutre and indeed finds one beneath the lady 's clothes .
22 In contrast , a non-governmental organisation has no such access to the International Court of Justice .
23 Well let's for a moment assume that he has no such intention , that no such idea has ever crossed his mind .
24 Another case of comparatively recent vintage , Re Bell 's Indenture [ 1980 ] 1 WLR 1217 , confirmed that a solicitor in the ordinary course of his business has the implied authority of his partners to accept trust moneys as agent of the trustees but has no such authority to accept office as trustee and so make his co-partners liable for any misapplication of trust property .
25 ‘ We have asked year after year and quite honestly we are fed up of being ignored , ’ she said , claiming Darlington health authority was the only one in the area which has no such post .
26 Redcliffe-Maud and Wood ( 1974 ) suggest that English local government has no such right to deliver public services .
27 Whereas an objector has a right of appeal to the Transport Tribunal against an unfavourable decision of a licensing authority , the local resident has no such right of appeal .
28 Today 's wave of experiments has no such rulebook : anybody with a good idea can try it out , and perhaps strike gold .
29 Proof of Theorem 1.2.9 unc [ Here we wish to show that every non-empty set of positive integers has a least member so … ] assume [ to the contrary ] that there is a non-empty set T , say , of positive integers such that T has no least member .
30 It has no more substance than a smell .
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